Internationalising equality, equalising internationalisation Equality Challenge Unit Conference Kathryn Eade
aim of the scoping study to investigate existing or potential areas of overlap between the internationalisation and the Equality and Diversity (E+D) agendas in Higher Education in the UK.
objectives investigate areas of actual and potential synergy between the two agendas in UK HE as delivered in UK Higher Education Institutions (and FE colleges) form an understanding of the actual and perceived barriers inhibiting the integration of the two agendas identify gaps in provision and research outline recommendations for future work, promoting dialogue across the sector and opportunities for sharing and developing good practice
research approach 15 days small scale, broad scope, desk based interviews long questionnaire short questionnaire
key findings Opportunities for synergy – strengthen impact of both agendas; increased efficiencies Governance & management - impact of size, profile, geographical location; agendas not integrated at strategic level Student experience: support – overlaps in events, training and mentoring; gaps in disability and sexual orientation Learning and Teaching – evidence of overlap International staff – new development The Estate – international students less satisfied
further work 1. institutional commitment 2. international student experience : International students and disability International students and hate crime Influencing positive student opinion and attitudes towards internationalisation 3. international staff experience: Monitoring progression & retention
want to get involved? conference graffiti wall - add name, contact and area of interest seminar - Spring 2009 full report on ECU website - Dec 2008
for further details contact: Dr Sue Cavanagh, Head of Policy and Programming, ECU Tel: