XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov x3 binning pattern experiment Richard (Tao) Song, Jenny Carter, Steve Sembay University of Leicester
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Aims See how different pattern distributions for 3x3 binned event list is from ‘normal’ event list Check the normal event list pattern distributions against the CCF Create pattern distribution fractions for the 3x3 mode Eventually create a nice QE CCF for the 3x3 binning mode Use recent observation of Vela SNR: Normal: DATE-OBS: T19:03:57 LIVETIME : 47.8 ks NAXIS2 : x3 binning: DATE-OBS: T09:00:01 LIVETIME : 31.4 ks NAXIS2 :
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Selection region for analysis Excluding bright col. here
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Comparing normal event list to CCF pattern distribution - PHA
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Comparing normal event list to CCF pattern distribution - PI
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Fitting Use logarithmic binning and spline fitting
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov PHA PHA – 3x3
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov PI PI – 3x3
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov PHA PI
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Scaling CCF Use ratio 3x3 binning to normal and use this scale factor to scale the CCF File: EMOS1_QUANTUMEFF_0017.CCF Extensions FRACTION_CHANNEL, FRACTION_ENERGY Red is the 3x3 fraction distribution, green is the normal binning distribution
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Future work and conclusions Check gain etc. of the 3x3 mode Look at spectral differences between normal and 3x3 binning Apply background subtraction to current analysis Look at MOS2 Compare with any more observations Apply the ratio found to the current CCF, give to RS…. …create a new 3x3 QE CCF
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov Extra slides
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007
XMM EPIC MOS Jenny Carter EPIC Calibration Mallorca, 5 th -7 th Nov. 2007