Global IS/IT TCL Communication Technology Ltd. e-PAS Training
Page: 2/3 Agenda 1.System Introduction 2.User Role 3.Support Team 4.Use e-PAS Website 5.Use e-PAS Client 6.Q&A
Page: 3/3 System Introduction 1.Website: or Planning & Reviewing Notice: if you cannot access it, disable proxy in internet browser. Please contact IT help desk for help. 2.Client: Skillmatrix Set department objective Export report
Page: 4/3 Role 1. Common User - Set the 2nd reviewer and final reviewer by self - Review performance of last period and create plan for next period. 2. 2nd Reviewer - Check subordinates setting of reviewer is right. - Evaluate subordinates performance and submit to final reviewer. - Review subordinates plan and approve it (only one level approval is necessary for plan). 3. Final Reviewer - Check subordinates setting of reviewer is right. - Evaluate all subordinates performance and submit them to HR. - Review subordinates plan and approve it (indirect subordinates plan is not necessary to review). 4. Department Manager - They normally act as both Common User and Final Reviewer. - Set department objective in e-PAS module of Skillmatrix client. - Review and confirm monthly performance report sent by HR.
Page: 5/3 Role 5. Department Assistant - Generate performance report if department manager requests. 6. HR - Confirm final score, generate performance report and send to department manager for final confirmation - Maintain basic staff information
Page: 6/3 Support Team 1. Department Assistant - Create and maintain web account. - Provide training to department staff including remote user. - Use system to export report for department manager. 2. HR - Rule definer (HR manager) - Maintain basic staff information (Liu canxiang) - Provide training to department assistant (Liu canxiang) 3. IS/IT - Develop and maintain system (Wang Yibo) - Provide training before system goes live (Wang Yibo) - Troubleshooting (Help Desk)
Page: 7/3 Concept & Rule 1. Performance Review Month & Review Time Window - Naming rule: YYYY-MM (e.g , representing the performance review month from Jan 15, 2009 to Feb 14, 2009) - Review Time Window is from 15th to 20th between two performance review period. Plannning, reviewing and modification are not allowed out of this window. 2. Reviewer - 2nd reviewer: team leader, XPM or N.A. - Final reviewer: department manager,director or VP 3. Form Status - Planning, Plan approved, Self-evalutating Task Type - Naming rule of Task Name is like Wang Yibo Planned Task - Unplanned Task - Fixed Task. (Concretize the objective for fixed task)
Page: 8/3 Concept & Rule 5. Measurement - Measurement is composed of Measurement Item and Measurement Value. - Measurement Item means the measurement category (e.g. Target day). - Measurement Value means the objective for the Measurement Item (e.g ). 6. Weight, Score and Final Score - Each task has a weight and Score, the sum of weight cannot exceed 100, the score cannot exceed Each form has a final score. - The completion and quality of task is evaluated by score. The importance and effort is evaluated by weight. The contribution of each task to the final score is the product of score and weight. 7. Department Board - Department manager should set the objectives to department staff for each month. - Its set in client, and display in the first page of e-PAS. 8. Star of Month - Any employee gets rank S will be regarded as Star of Month in his/her department. - His/her name and review comments will be shown in the first page of e- PAS.
Page: 9/3 Concept & Rule 8. Star of Month - Any employee gets rank S will be regarded as Star of Month in his/her department. - His/her name and review comments will be shown in the first page of e- PAS.
Page: 10/3 Demo 1. System Login (For all user) 2. Modify or Reset Password (For all user) 3. Set Reviewer (For all user) 4. Make Plan (For all user) 5. Self Review (For all user) 6. Submit Form to 2nd Reviewer (For all user) 7. Check Form Status and Content (For all user) 8. Check, Approve & Reject Plan (For 2nd reviewer) 9. Review & Submit Form (For 2nd reviewer) 10. Review & Submit Form (For final reviewer) 11. Archive & Export Report (For HR, Manager and Department Assistant) 12. Set Department Objective (For Manager and Department Assistant)
Page: 11/3 TCL ! Thank You!