303LON and 308LON Module Review and Your Next Steps Unit: 12
On completion of this module you will be able to: Work independently within an organisation, demonstrating initiative and commitment Review the literature relating to a business issue Analyse valid and reliable evidence to draw sound business conclusions Write a coherent project report communicating a solution or response to the business issue Reflect on your working practices in relation to your Personal Development Plan Module Learning Outcomes
Module Overview: 303LON and 308LON Week 6 Unit 1An Introduction to Workplace and Workbased Projects Unit 2Business research methods: an introduction Unit 3Business research methods: data sources Unit 4Business research methods: questions and active listening Week 7 Unit 5Business research methods: project management skills Unit 6Business research methods: using reflection in research Unit 7Business research methods: writing professional reports Unit 8Making a successful impact on your Workplace and Workbased project Week 8 Workplace or Independent Research Week 9 Workplace or Independent Research Week 10 Unit 9Project Updates – Individual Presentations Unit 10Individual Progress Review Unit 11Individual Progress Review Unit 12Module Review
On completion of this unit you will be able to: Review the key themes and models from this module in the production and delivery of business and management research Clarify any outstanding questions regarding the assessed work for this module Consider a range of factors that will support students to make a successful transition to their next career step Unit Learning Outcomes
Business investigation and findings Word Count 4000 Part 1 Reflective Diary Word Count 1000 Part 2 Business Skills: Project Reports
Regular Assignment 1 (40%): Produce a Reflective Diary that demonstrates evidence of learning, as a result of carrying out your project, about: The subject of your research Your research skills Your professional and business skills Word Count: 1000 End of Module Assessment (60%): Produce a Project Report that investigates a current issue facing your selected organisation and presents a clear set of recommendations. Word Count: 4000 Assessment: 303LON Workplace Project
End of Module Assessment (100%): Produce a Project Report that investigates a current issue facing your selected organisation or industry and presents a clear set of recommendations. Word Count: 4000 Assessment: 308LON Workbased Project
Key Project Skills required include: Source: Cameron (2009: 376) Business Skills: Project Work Self-managementPlanning skillsInterpersonal skillsProblem solvingCreativityResilience
Workplace and Workbased Skills Assessment Audit Business Skills: Skills Audit Self-managementManaging risksCommunicationGood working relationshipsApplying knowledge and skillsUsing initiativeReflection
Short summary of the complete report – 200 Words Abstract Central issue of investigation and its relevance Research aims and objectives Introduction Existing knowledge about the subject under investigation How your research helps us to understand the issue Literature review How you gathered your data Method Summary of your findings Supported by tables or graphs Results Interpreting your findings to answer the question - So what? Discussion How does this research address the research questions/objectives? Conclusions Using the CU Harvard Referencing Style References ‘Interesting to know but not essential’ information Appendices Business Skills: Project Reports Source: Saunders et al (2009: 531)
Deficiencies of Data Same results will be obtained if the research was repeated Do your methods consistently measure respondent’s views? Reliability Extent to which the findings accurately represent what is being studied Do your methods measure what you intended to measure? Validity
All three forms of reflection are critical. Reflection on content, process and premise is critical to reflexivity. Business Skills: Reflection Focus on the issues and what is happening Content Reflection Focus on the strategies, procedures and how things are being done Process Reflection Critique of underlying assumptions and perspectives Premise Reflection Source: Brannick & Coghlan (2006: 155)
Reflective Diary: Suggested Structure Completing the project Summary of reflections during the project Concerns Insights and findings Learning through the project Assumptions Decisions Learning from new experiences Applying learning to your future career Using skills and knowledge Understanding the business context Exploring the gap between theory and practice Evidenced by specific examples from your Learning Log
3 Key Stages to Writing Your Report Business Skills: Professional Reports Final Presentation and Delivery Drafting and Editing Planning and Preparation
Career Strategy: Know the Job Market Entrepreneu r opportunity Non- graduate level entry My Options
Based on: CU Careers and Employability Service [online] Creating a Winning CV Research the company Read the job advert and specifications carefully Identify Employer’s Needs Review your own skills, qualities and experiences Identify the evidence you can use Know what you have to offer Look at yourself through the employer’s eyes Identify what will make you stand out from the rest Make the connections Choose your style of CV Demonstrate what you have to offer and how you fit in Write your CV
Accurate and truthful Targeted to the job specification and the organisation Demonstrates all the relevant skills and experience required Most important facts and evidence are prominent2 A4 pages in length and easy to /upload Interesting, logical and easy to read with no spelling mistakes Includes your contact details and links to your Cover Letter Winning CV Checklist Based on: CU Careers and Employability Service [online]
Based on: Cameron (2009) A 6 th Strategy for Career Success Know your skills and strengths Contact potential employers Present yourself professionally Present yourself successfully Demonstrating your skills, knowledge and qualities in the workplace Positive Thinking
Build and maintain your Network by: Follow up your work experience with thank you notes to key contacts Link with contacts using professional and social networking sites Keep up to date with news and changes Keep your contacts up to date with your relevant news and achievements Building Your Network
Review the key themes and models from this module in the production and delivery of business and management research Clarify any outstanding questions regarding the assessed work for this module Consider a range of factors that will support students to make a successful transition to their next career step Knowledgecast Summary