Homework set Mr Hoad due Do you have THREE maps with good annotations and brief descriptions List of keywords that will be USED later 5 sections each worth 12 marks What extra data will you collect Clear explanation of data collected and methods
Key terms Define the following Tourist industry Sand dune Local visitor Dune profile Honey Pot Site Dune blow out Environment Vegetation cover Negative Impacts Long shore drift Mass tourism Erosion Economic benefits Sewage outfall S.S.S.I. B.A.R. (beach at risk) Explain what key terms you will use in this investigation
Did you finish your UK map? Title, key, north Scale, annotations a b ab The wind often blows this way at sea Prevailing wind from S.W. has along fetch across the Atlantic up the English Channel This is Kent where Camber is. Camber is located on the southern coast of Kent and East Sussex in S.E. England ab