Healthy Computing Workshop 2011 Christian Chislett
Research Assistant for the Digital Wellbeing project Living Laboratory – build up a network of sensor technologies and analyse the results Aim – to improve and develop sensors to be used in assisted living PhD – (Remote healthcare security)
Aim – to recognise different scenarios such as; walking, sitting down and falling Texas chronos watch A 3-axis accelerometer Wirelessly transmits data to a computer/laptop Fast Fourier Transformations
Can differentiate between walking and falling Sitting and falling problematic Needs a different approach such as; axis correlation, neural nets or combination of axes Paper published - (Pervasive Health Conference, 2011, Dublin) FallingSitting
A limitation of the described method is the unknown orientation of the watch Build a gyro-free inertial measurement system Enable us to correctly identify the Z axis Possibly track the user and monitor activity/inactivity