1 Curriculum Vitae (CV) An outline of education/professional history Latin: “course of your life”
2 CVs are used for: Job hunting Accompanying application forms Lodging with employment agencies Used for more than one application They cover: When you did what in education and employment Self-employment/consultancy work Explain your background.
3 The CV (Curriculum Vitae) Your CV is your first (and only?) contact with prospective employers – make sure you get noticed! Remember You never get a second chance to make a first impression Your CV should make an employer want to know more about you – that means getting an interview Keep it simple Keep it clear Keep it short Make sure your CV does you justice.
4 Is there a ‘perfect’ CV? “The perfect CV is a concise written communication that clearly demonstrates your ability to produce results in a particular area of employment in a way that motivates employers to interview you.” (Jackson, T. 1991) (actually if it gets you into the selection process then it’s good enough.)
5 CVs need to be: Concise/informative – no longer that 2 pages of A4 and use no abbreviations Well presented – professional standard, 100% accurate Focused – no irrelevancies, skills and abilities not personal circumstances Logical/coherent – thorough, organised careful about detail
6 CV requirements cont… Professional looking/sounding Positive/assertive Take nothing for granted! Good quality paper (white/ivory/azure) Photograph?
7 CV formats Traditionalwhen/where you did what Focusedtailored for job Skillsskills/experience Resumeshortened/focused CV
8 Traditional format Headings – bold and block at left margin Personal details – centre across page Profile statement Skills? Education/qualifications Employment Interests References
9 View from a Personnel Director No longer that 2 sides of A4 – put name in footer of second sheet in case become detached. Use folder – do not bend in post, big envelope with cardboard backing Font? Good quality paper Putting CV at top waste of space
10 View from Personnel Director cont… Text in blocks Tailored to particular job Include summary of you “this is what you get if you choose me section”. Include some of the “buzz” words e.g. proactive, team player, self-starter etc. (Often shaded box) List of major achievement (may not apply to some younger students) Proof read for 100% accuracy
11 A few more points Accompanied by cover letter – next week Sent to correct person Make sure to you know which version of your CV you sent to which company. (interview questions based on CV information given by you.