EGEE statement EU and EU member states major investment in Grid Technology Several good prototype results Next Step: –Leverage current and planned national programmes –work closely with relevant industrial Grid developers and NRNs –build on existing middeware and expertise –create a general European Grid production quality infrastructure –This can be achieved for a minimum of €100m/4 years on top of the national and regional initiatives EGEE applications network
Projects features Integration of existing national and regional initiatives International cooperation (including US and AP) Standards (through GGF) Actors: Grid developers for academia and industry Tackle the challenge of usability, scalability, cost/performance Service models for fast uptake by industry Must provide supercomputing performance at commodity cost Support for training, usage, large scale applications etc
Towards UKHEP Engagement in Framework 6 See discussion document 29/10/02CB outline approval 5/11/02EGEE core task force Dec 02EU Call Jan 03GridPP Tier-2 tenders Jan/Feb 03PPARC Call for Tier-1 Centre Mar/Apr 03EGEE Proposal submission ** Tier-1 and Tier-2 Centres not yet defined (work with prototypes)** Sep 03Tier-2 funding starts… Dec 03DataGrid funding ends ~Jan 04DataGrid’ as part of EGEE?
Towards UKHEP Engagement in Framework 6 Objectives Obtain EU funding to develop the UK part of a pan- European infrastructure Access to core middleware developed in Europe Benefit from European “critical mass” on EU external matters Leverage access to non-HEP resources (and share some UK resources) Obtain leverage on domestic funding (this was particularly useful at the time of DataGrid) Increase coherence with UK core e-Science through joint activity in EGEE
Towards UKHEP Engagement in Framework 6 Areas of Interest Production quality Grid resources (24x7x52 etc.) Grid operations; maintenance and upgrades/rollout Middleware support Focused M/W development activities – oriented towards production grid support – potential overlaps with other proposals (?)
UK Position within EGEE? Starting point: DataGrid Success.. Mainly middleware (15 PPARC-funded + 5 EU-funded + 6 EPSRC/PPARC Computing Science posts) New: focus on production grids Need to assess UK priorities Input/Negotiations: –Neil Geddes (UK-EU role beyond PPARC) –Robin Middleton (EU DataGrid-UK, DataGrid PMB) –Tony Doyle (GridPP Project Leader, DataGrid PMB) –Pete Clarke (Networking, DataTAG, DataGrid PTB) Preliminary PMB discussions…
PMB Preliminary Discussions.. Post Requirements – Scenario for Discussion: AreaEGEE?TotalRef. 1.Tier-1/A ~4~16 PMB-11 2.Tier-2~4~16 PMB-08 3.Middleware~4 ~20 = PMB Prioritised List – recommendation to CB: Considerations: LHC computing UK leading role in 2004 Tier-2 ~ Tier-1 Transition from Prototype to Production Deployment Particle physics leading role in UK e-Science EU-wide middleware development Build upon UK PP strengths
PMB Preliminary Discussions.. Principal Partner: 1.CLRC 2.PPARC 3.GridPP consortium = PMB Prioritised List – recommendation to CB: Considerations: Clear reporting mechanism (to the EU) Fund support across UK (meeting specific reqts.) Additional funding (non-EU, non-PPARC) Engagement of UK PP Community (GridPP) Meeting non-PP requirements (e-Science centres) EU funding via Research Councils?? (OST) Other political (CB)..
CB Recommendations UK involvement in EGEE Does CB recommend participation? EU-funded post priorities Are the general priorities appropriate/approved? Principal Partner Timely decision required – strengthens UK’s case within EGEE. Next Step… Return to EGEE core with GridPP input for EGEE proposal development… 5/11/02…