16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WGSalvatore Costa - Catania Status Report on Bonding at Catania Salvatore Costa University and INFN – Catania
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG2 Salvatore Costa - Catania Bonding Test # 2 Would like to hear from Karslruhe : test results loop height measurement (150 m or.1 mil ?)
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG3 Salvatore Costa - Catania Bonding Jig Have from Filippo Bosi, Pisa, both… “Type 1” jig for top side of TIB modules “Type 2” jig for back side of TIB modules
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG4 Salvatore Costa - Catania Test Systems The recently identified person in charge of ARC has installed it, but the system is not yet fully operational. CMS-like is fully operational.
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG5 Salvatore Costa - Catania Bonding Lab Evolution We are in the process of moving to a new Physics Department Building. Clean Room will be dismissed sometimes between Aug and Sep and relocated. In the new location we plan to deploy both Hughes (2 nd one from CERN).
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG6 Salvatore Costa - Catania Dummy Module Bonding Received a dummy module assembled partly in Perugia and partly in Bari with 2 CSEM sensors Module was shipped via DHL courier service Sensors were found broken (see picture) We believe it happened in transit Sensor and many a pad surfaces were scratched High ridge of glue between the 2 Sensors Wire won’t stick to most SEN-SEN pads PA-SEN bonding to be attempted next week
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG7 Salvatore Costa - Catania Broken Dummy Module
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG8 Salvatore Costa - Catania Real Module Bonding A technician went to Bari last Friday to pickup our first real module Bonding to be attempted next week, right after dummy
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WGSalvatore Costa - Catania …break…
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WGSalvatore Costa - Catania DataBase Interface Update Salvatore Costa University and INFN – Catania
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG11 Salvatore Costa - Catania Interface Dev Status I’m still working on Version 0.2: –Working version: Exercise all functions Will include User’s Manual –Includes people’s comments to v. 0.1 –Center specific defaults and lists (where available) –All data stored in Catania sunct.ct.infn.it/bondingdb/v0.2 (work in progress) I have prepared the tables and plan to submit them to Didier soon (I’m just tring to make variable names consistent across different tables)
16 Jul 2002Tracker Week - Bonding WG12 Salvatore Costa - Catania Center “DB Readiness” CenterDB ResponsibleInput Data AachenWolfgang BraunschweigMISSING BariValeria RadicciOK CataniaSalvatore CostaOK CERNAlan HonmaOK FNALBill KahlMISSING FlorenceSimone PaolettiOK KarlsruheHans-Jürgen SimonisMISSING PadovaMaurizio LoretiTOO EARLY PisaAndrey StarodoumovMISSING Santa BarbaraBill KahlMISSING StrasbourgPierre JuillotOK TorinoErnesto MiglioreOK ViennaThomas BergauerOK ZurigoKlaus FreudenreichOK