MCP Support Center Webinar February 3, 2010
Over 15 years experience in youth development including: VP of Training and Technical Assistance for MENTOR Program director for a mentoring program in DC Experience integrating new programs into larger agencies Providing training and TA to MCP and other federal grantees
Stephen Bardy, Executive Director Childrens Home Society of Florida Jessica Lopez, Program Director Big Brothers Big Sisters of San Diego
Understand the importance of integrating MCP into the larger agency. Identify barriers to successful integration within your agency. Develop strategies to address barriers to integration.
Polling Question: What type of agency do your work for? a. Multi-service organization b. Mentoring organization
What is Integration? Why is Integration important? Barriers to Integration Strategies for Success Integration in Action
Individual Exercise – In an ideal world, how would MCP fit into your organization?
Integration is: A Process and an Outcome. A common purpose, mission and goals Creating links between functions, departments or programs. The combination or coordination of various parts to form a whole.
Connectedness Sense of common mission, purpose Sense of community Support Efficiency Leverage resources Capitalize on strengths and expertise Effectiveness Accountability Productivity
Polling Question: What is the biggest barrier (challenge) to integrating MCP into your agency?
Organizational Structure Culture Individuals External Factors
Silos Power Reporting structure Relative or perceived power Accountability
Communication Cooperation Connectedness Lack of shared vision, goals and values Creativity Innovation, new approaches discouraged
Work/Management Style Different approaches or ideas about how best to accomplish goals Agendas Personal motivations and desired outcomes that may differ from organizational goals Personality Conflicts
Political/Economic Environment Laws/Regulations Economic Hardship Unexpected Events Competition Trends/Popular Culture
Know Your Program Read and understand your proposal Have a Vision Develop clear goals, expectations and an implementation plan for MCP Reach Out and Collaborate Be inclusive and flexible Listen to suggestion and advice
Anticipate and Analyze Resistance Who, what and why? Demonstrate the Value of MCP Whats In It For Me? Communicate Shout it From the Rooftops
Mission/Goals Administration Public Relations Recruitment Other ideas?
Build relationships Be honest and straightforward Be as flexible and inclusive as possible Respect others and the process Listen Choose your battles Dont take no for an answer on essential items
Questions Next Steps
MCP Support Center Cindy Sturtevant Borden