STANDARDS IN LONDON SCHOOLS. Impressive improvement at GCSE… but a hill to climb on English and Maths.


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Presentation transcript:


Impressive improvement at GCSE… but a hill to climb on English and Maths

Improvement across the range of London schools…

KS3 also good…

Improvement in London Schools There is much to celebrate about the improvements in London schools In secondary schools the depressing picture of 5 years ago has been turned around. Standards are rising faster than in schools nationally at Key Stage 3 and 4. A smaller proportion of London schools are in the lowest 25% of all schools and few require special measures or notice to improve. This chart shows the remarkable improvement in London schools whose performance was below the floor target of 30% 5A*-C in 2003 compared to other schools nationally in the same position. Inner London schools have done particularly well. 1 Ofsted rates London schools highly…

Inspection evidence confirms this trend of improvement in secondary schools. The proportion of schools graded as good or better is significantly higher than nationally. Leadership, management and the quality of teaching have improved significantly. These charts show the percentages of inspection judgements that are good or better, over time. Since September 2005 the ‘bar’ has been raised, explaining the decline in the number of schools achieving the ‘good’ or ‘outstanding’ grades. 1 A higher proportion of London schools achieved ‘good or better’ grades for overall effectiveness in 2005/6. Judgements on the quality of teaching, leadership and management reflect the same picture. Percentage of secondary schools judged good or better for overall effectiveness Percentage of secondary schools judged good or better for quality of teaching Percentage of secondary schools judged good or better for leadership and management …their inspections recognise significant improvement

Hidden underperformance… Segmentation of London secondary schools according to their 2005 KS2-KS4 CVA and change in rank from 2003 to 2005 DecliningStaticRising Top Quartile Middle Quartiles Bottom Quartile391911

…and much in-school variation Variation between core subjects within each family of London schools EAL Mobility Family

Attainment gaps remain the burning issue…

…and a bigger issue in some parts of London

Gaps are narrowing, but slowly…

Whatever the issue, some London schools have cracked it…

London primary schools not yet ahead…

Improvement in London Schools The main focus of London Challenge has been on secondary schools. Nevertheless primary schools have benefited from the some of the interventions particularly in relation to ensuring a suitable workforce is available. Recent improvements a beginning to show in inspection evidence but not enough has been done in primary schools to ensure that improvements are sustained and that the gap between the best and the worst performing schools is narrowed. Percentage of primary schools judged good or better for overall effectiveness Percentage of primary schools judged good or better for quality of teaching Percentage of primary schools judged good or better for leadership and management Ofsted’s recent inspections show London primary schools in a good light, but can it be sustained?

Attainment gaps at primary are too big…

…and are closing too slowly

Underperformance in primary schools

Families of schools a new tool for primary schools One headteacher told Ofsted: “The data we receive in the families of schools book is particularly useful. We can see the schools we are being compared with and talk to them about what they do that is more effective than our own practice.” Ofsted report that this is a commonly held view.

Teacher supply has improved, but it’s still tough

Striking variations across boroughs…

The next priorities on standards Continuity and progression of individual children Closing attainment gaps – especially early on Variability of Departments and classes Capacity building for a sustained culture of learning Keeping the best teachers and using them across the system Collaboration with a purpose – especially 14-19