WP2 summary of activities at Oxford Dr B Camanzi On behalf of the University of Oxford Group
Outline Experimental set-up SiPM characterisation Timing resolution studies Summary ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 2/15
Equipment: SiPMs and crystals ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 3/15
Experimental set-up Two-channel demonstrator: Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 50 m + LaBr 3 (Ce) 22 Na source Electronics: 1.Preamps boards from Photonique: ~ 700ps rise time, gain 10x-20x 2.Keithley 2612A two-channel Sourcemeter 200V DAQ: LeCroy WavePro 725Zi 2.5GHz oscilloscope ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 ScopeKeithley Two-channel demonstrator system B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 22 Na source 4/15
Studies carried out so far SiPM characterisation 1.I-V curves and breakdown voltages 2.Rise time measurements 3.Single photon signal Timing resolution studies of a two-channel demonstrator: 1.Timing resolution at SiPM V bias recommended by manufacturer 2.Timing resolution as function of SiPM V bias ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 5/15
SiPM characterisation ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 6/15
Breakdown voltage SiPM type Breakdown Voltage (V) Recommended V bias (V) Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 50 m Ch Ch Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 25 m Ch Ch Hamamatsu 1x1mm 2 50 m Ch Ch Hamamatsu 1x1mm 2 25 m Ch Ch ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 50 m Courtesy M Ahmed B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 7/15
Rise time studies Rise time (ns) Laser LED Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 50 m Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 25 m Photonique 2x2mm ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 Courtesy M Ahmed B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University LED Width: 2ns Laser Width: 50ps 8/15
about 2ns ~ 6mV Single photon signal Run: events Preamp gain: 15x ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 Courtesy M Ahmed B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 9/15
Future work Acquire faster, low-noise, higher gain preamps Repeat and finish SiPM characterisation with new preamps Perform timing resolution studies of single SiPMs and SiPM pairs Select best SiPM candidate(s) B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 10/15
Timing resolution studies ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 11/15
Timing resolution at fixed V bias Run: events Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 50 m + LaBr 3 (Ce) crystals Timing resolution = Used V bias recommended by Hamamatsu: 71.28V and 71.31V ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/ Pulse Magnitude Magnitude (V) Number of Events Ch 1 = red Ch 2 = blue Cut on Ch 1Cut on Ch 2 (ns) N. of Events Courtesy M Ahmed B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 12/15
Timing resolution – vs. – V bias Runs: events Hamamatsu 3x3mm 2 50 m + LaBr 3 (Ce) crystals Timing resolution = Used narrowest windows around 22 Na peak Best timing resolution of 298ps at 71.1V = V below recommended V bias ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 Courtesy M Ahmed B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 13/15
Future work Improve two-channel demonstrator set-up: SiPM-crystal coupling, alignments, etc. Investigate SiPM-crystal coupling Understand effects on timing resolution of LaBr 3 (Ce) crystal's different geometries and Ce concentration Continue timing resolution studies of two- channel demonstrators: different SiPM types and also LYSO crystals B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 14/15
Summary SiPM characterisation started: 1) breakdown voltages, 2) rise times, 3) single photon signal Started study of timing resolution of two-channel demonstrator system: 298ps ( ) Future work: 1.Repeat and complete SiPM characterisation with new preamps and select best candidate(s) 2.Continue timing resolution studies ENVISION WP2 Meeting Lyon 03/02/11 B Camanzi, STFC/RAL and Oxford University 15/15