Sense and policy-making: e-science thinking leading to impact We will deliver evidence-based policy making: – Save the country money overall targeting spending where it makes a difference avoid wasting £Bs on policies that are doomed to fail extracting more value from all the data that is collected – Better quality of life health, environment, transport…
Open, Discoverable Data 6 months : – enabling integration: identify data sources across disciplines – open data: start to work with open data movement 2 years : "Doogle". "Google for Data“ – “space and place” challenge – Novel uses 5 years : Share methods as well as data; evidence chain; automatic discovery
Higher-level Tools 6 months : identify tools across disciplines. 2 years : – “Toogle". "Google for Tools“ – High-level tools allowing policy makers and public to explore implications of policy: SimNHS, SimClimate (work with serious games groups) 5 years : – visualisation of results for non-scientists (movies?) – My as well as Our: personalise and crowdsource – evidence based policy is the norm