7 th Nov 2011 Assessment P3 – One to one communication skills LO: To show good understanding of core communication skills especially active listening skills and the communication cycle to complete P3 Literacy, Knowledge, Understanding, Application AFL- Peer/ Self & Teacher Assessment Starter Fill in the blanks on your handout to show your understanding of the key words and skills we have been discussing over the last few weeks. P2 MUST be handed in today!
Recap - The 6 stages of the Communication Cycle Ideas occur Message decoded - how are you going to say it? Message sent Message received – the other person senses you have sent a message. Message decoded – the other person has to interpret that message. Message understood – if you have communicated clearly, the other person has concentrated and there are no barriers, the other person understands your idea thus they show they understand by giving you the appropriate feedback. The communication cycle describes the way in which communication involves thinking, perception and checking understanding. It is called a ‘cycle’ because it is a process that keeps ‘going round’ and repeating itself. You should have already explained this in your P2
How to communicate effectively: Active listening Body language Note: P3 will be a telephone conversation so can not be used. Use of appropriate language Clarification Tone of voice Pace Proximity Empathy
Print off Homework Task with a clear header and footer eg name and task title. To complete P 2: Identifying and Overcoming Barriers Task 1 (P2) Make a mind map that identifies barriers to effective communication. Explain the communication cycle. Choose 8 factors that you have identified on your mind map. Describe how these factors can act as barriers to effective communication and suggest ways to overcome them. You will need to read P 8 – 15 of Ch 1 of the book.
Imagine that you are working for NHS direct a telephone help line for the NHS you are consulting a patient on flu symptoms. Plan/Write a short script with a partner. When you practice it you must Identify & use the key communication skills that we have already discussed – you may write notes on the scripts such as tone of voice, use of language, empathy etc to help you remember to use them. Two people: The Patient with flu & the NHS consultant Key Skills: Active listening Use of appropriate language Clarification Tone of voice Pace Proximity Empathy P3 – The Communication Cycle After you complete your one to one interaction you must fill in both a Self and Peer Assessment form then assess the strengths and weaknesses of your one to one interaction
Plenary 1 Have you filled in and signed your self and peer assessment forms? 2 Write up a short assessment the strengths and weaknesses of your one to one interaction 3 Have you now printed off and handed in your P2 homework task with a clear header and footer? Have you met your LO? LO: To show good understanding of core communication skills especially active listening skills and the communication cycle to complete P3 Literacy, Knowledge, Understanding, Application AFL- Peer/ Self & Teacher Assessment