Masters level work Post training experience and professional development is accredited at level 7. This makes particular demands on the practitioner, in terms of the expectations placed on the way in which they record and reflect upon their experiences JMcC
Questions What do we mean by Masters level and how does it differ from assessment at Graduate level? How can you best equip yourself for writing at Level 7?
What is Masterliness (level 7)? Handbook FHEQ guidance page 38 SEEC guidancepage 40
Main academic elements The need to demonstrate understanding of and critical engagement with theory and research; The need to demonstrate critical reflection on practice; The need to generate a synthesis between both theory and practice, that shows an advanced level of insight and independent thought supported by research.
What difficulties might you experience? Teachers come from a variety of backgrounds; those taking up or moving towards leadership roles have had a range of other professional experiences, but may not have been involved in extended critical reflection and analysis. The writing that they are expected to do to meet level 7 expectations is likely to differ significantly from any previous coursework requirements: Most undergraduate essays require students to make extensive use of arguments from other scholars rather than to report on or analyse experience. Few undergraduate or postgraduate teaching courses require students to reflect on their own practice with the critical engagement needed at level 7. Even having undertaken dissertation research, few will be familiar with writing in a critically reflective style suitable to meet the Level 7 criteria.
These problems can be expressed in a variety of ways: Discomfort with using the active voice rather than the passive voice: 'Upon completion of this lesson, I felt that...' 'Upon completion of this lesson, it was thought that...‘; A tendency to try to objectify their observations (for instance, declaring that something that they have observed with one class is true of all classes, or of that class all of the time); Building an argument based on experience and practice only, and therefore demonstrating difficulty with linking theory and practice in a critically reflective way. A tendency to over-assertive and opinionated comments that do not acknowledge alternative viewpoints