Success in Surgical Training Robert Gilliland 1, 2 Jeffrey Campbell 1, 2 Helen Holscher3 Department of Surgery, Ulster Hospital Dundonald, Northern Ireland1 School of Surgery, Northern Ireland Medical & Dental Training Agency2, Royal College of Surgeons of England3 Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Royal College of Surgeons of England Regional Representatives Meeting Wednesday 10th November 2010
Progress in Surgery WBAs unable to distinguish between trainees What determines progress? Performance in initial interview?
2008 Entry
2006 Entry
Fate of Trainees What happens to trainees in lowest quartile? What happens to trainees who leave surgery? Have we recreated the lost tribe? More core trainees More medical students
Project Heads of School NI Regional Co-ordinator Deanery data (not ISCP) Contacting Heads/CST PD