International Strategy John Getty Council Lead for International Affairs November 2010
Background March 2009 cross-department working group Terms of Reference To review: The Royal College of Surgeons’ international role historically + relationship to strategic policy. Current international activity in each of the College departments, and Specialty Surgical Associations. International policy of other Royal Colleges, the Department of Health, the British Medical Association, and Colleges of Surgery in other countries. In the light of the above, to draw up proposals for an international strategy.
Why do we need an overseas strategy? Strong international reputation of the College Large proportion of members overseas Increasing impact of international policy and safety initiatives on surgery in the UK International movement of doctors, patients, and surgical innovations
Current RCS situation Many new international opportunities presented, but no College-wide governance or decision-making criteria. Many current and ongoing international activities, but no formal mechanism for routinely sharing this information. Much potential for more joined-up work, but no dedicated staffing or resources to enable coordination.
Headline recommendations An International Affairs Committee Development of the SIMS database, the intranet, and the website Establishment of a new ‘International Office’.
International Affairs Committee Due diligence: clear, fair criteria on which to base decisions about new international work or the expansion of existing work Political Cultural Legal Financial Ethical
Main anticipated outcomes Existing staff time freed, leading to increased productivity and capacity across the College. Maintenance and growth of overseas membership. Greater capacity to plan and deliver cross- departmental projects abroad. Added value to official College trips such as Voyage of the Eagle.