MCP: Online Data Collection: Understanding the Quarterly Report Intro self Julie Hocker 202-205-5916
Overview Purpose Reporting Period Basics to Logging in and Navigating Content Next Steps Questions and Assistance Quick review of what to expect of this presentation
Purpose Mandatory Report – in grant announcement The MCP Story Data is used to tell the story of the program Fairly new program Much interested in program’s progress Respond to Congressional inquiries Data Analysis Used to tell the story and the program’s many accomplishments Identify program and individual grantee needs for training and technical assistance Report progress of program and set goals Part of planning for the program’s future IMPORTANCE OF REPORTING CORRECTLY
The Reporting Period September 30 – September 29 Quarterly Reports 30 Days to Submit Reports are submitted online through the Online Data Collection System (OLDC) This is a secure website that requires Internet Explorer and pop-up blockers to be turned off Step-by-step instructions are available as handouts and on the CD-ROM Form to have a username created is on the CD-ROM and sent to Julie Based on the Federal Fiscal Year – October 1-September 30 Reports are four times per year One month after each quarter to report (give example)
Complete Form Email to Julie Hocker Request a Username Form is in the userguide “OLDC Materials” – as a handout in room
Usernames and Passwords Usernames and Temporary Passwords are System-Generated New Password Required 9 characters One capital letter One number
IMPORTANT Check this setting before beginning Accessing the Site No “www” Bookmark this page! Secured Sign-in Don’t miss the “S”
Logging In
Enter OLDC Select “OLDC” by clicking once. A new window will appear
Menu – OLDC Home Select “Report Form Entry”
Navigation Use this bar to navigate. Do not use the “back” button within Internet Explorer
Grantee Selection Select Mentoring Children of Prisoners, Then your Grant Name and then the report completing. RQI is not until next summer. Select “Program Performance”
Report Selection Select reporting period and then action. Then hit enter once
Report Form Complete the report. Save if you do not do it in one sitting.
The Report Form Click blue underlined text for form instructions Enter data in open fields
Submitting the Report Be sure to validate and submit the report
Submitting Report Forms Save Form going forward to ACF Validate Review of the process Submit “unsubmit” to edit
General Terms Children – of prisoners in your program Mentor – compassionate adult Past Quarter –period being reported on Throughout the instrument – frequently used terms go through terms
Creating the Match Original pairing Existing matches Grandfather in if organization is new to the program Each grant leads to new match Match: One child and one adult who together have never been matched Operating multiple grants simultaneously: match can count for more than one Grant ends, new one starts: match transfers to new grant, match now counted under new grant Match reaches 1yr, 2yr – count as “sustaining” in question 1b
Sustaining the Match Every 12 months Grandfather time in Sustaining is important to the mission of the program Matches should be created under the commitment of the mentor for at least one year Do not reset the clock on a match if it is now being supported under a new grant
B. Start the “MCP” clock Think of the clocks as beginning when each child’s first MCP program clock began
What Children Count in 1a? Never had a Federal MCP Grant Before: ALL MCP matches Specify grant requirements and starting the clock over
What Children Count in 1a? Back again! Starting another MCP Grant: ALL MCP matches Grandfather matches in by: Get mentor to sign new agreement for balance of the year Update training, files and bring them under new grant
What Children Count in 1b? 36 12 Every 12 months a match is counted under 1b as an “anniversary match” Remember: an MCP clock starts only once for a child – never restart a clock but think of it as a special Federal clock that starts the first day of the match under Federal time 48 24
All Active Matches New Matches Continuing Matches Ceasing Matches Ceasing + Starting New = 2 Matches In addition to noting new matches and matches who surpass yearly marks important to note total caseload This includes: above Ceasing: it is possible a child may have been in 2 active matches in 1 quarter if one ends and a new match with a new mentor begins within the same quarter
Active Mentors Mentors currently Mentoring Mentors with a single Child Mentors can have more than one child they are mentoring They can not mentor children together Must be one-on-one Group activities are okay but there has to be one hr at least once a week Mentors with multiple Children
The Waiting List Not inclusive within the quarter Count waitlist from initial date “First time” = new child Wait list is for children waiting to be matched after initial intake There is a separate list for rematches Wait list times can exceed 90 days – do not resume the time count each quarter
Child goes on rematch wait list Trying again… Child goes on rematch wait list One match ends When a match ends, if child and caregiver wish to have a new match made child goes on a rematch waiting list (not “initial wait list”) new match is created – “new match” clock starts over – even though the child is continuing in the program, because he/she has a new mentor all clocks for that child start over Child is matched with new mentor
Ceased Ahead of Schedule Termination before 12 month mark Multiple or Unknown Initiation = “other” Again, focusing on sustaining matches But ceasing ahead of schedule does occur One of the program’s priorities is to continue to lower the percentage of matches that cease ahead of schedule; this is monitored by the program office
Frequency Only active matches 0 – 12 12 – 24 25 + unknown Matches should meet at least one hour each week Frequency should reflect matches that were active at the end of the quarter
Longevity All active matches grouped by longevity Ceased Matches Continuing Matches Keeping matches going is very important – short term matches can have a negative effect on children All matches active at the end of the quarter are grouped by how long they’ve existed
Mentor hours Mentor matches Group Activities Mentor hours Mentor matches Group activities are okay and a good way to provide services to child on both waiting lists and in active matches Group activity hours can not count towards total hours with mentor Children not in matches who participate in group activities can not be counted to be in a match, even if group activities have mentor-like interactions Questions about funding group activities should be directed to project officers
Training, Support, and Administration Pre-match training Post-match training Staff follow-up Check-ins and Support Training the mentor and supporting the match is part of administering the program This can include: General mentoring training Supporting a sustaining match Addressing issues within a match that are obstacles Providing support to mentors FY06: Average pre-training hours: 6.4 hours/mentor Average post-match training hours: 4.7 hours/mentor
Demographics Children Mentors – Gender Average Age Age groups Gender Mentors – Gender Match - Cross-Gender and Cross-Race Demographics help tell the story of the program
Next Steps Complete username request form and email to Julie Hocker Login and set password Collect data regularly Submit data on time each quarter Complete the form and email it If you have had an existing grant in the past and have a username, email to request your new grant is added to your username Collect data from each match and keep good records Always submit your data on time Program office eager to analyze data Data is used to support grantees and T/TA Drives to program’s overall mission Provides much-requested updates on the program’s progress The program has many deadlines to meet so your data is important!
Relationship Quality Survey Administered July 1 – October 31 of each year Training at April, 2010 National Grantee Conference
Questions and Assistance Application Support 866-577-0771 Need help? Passwords Difficulties logging in “Buttons” don’t work
Questions and Assistance Content Assistance, Usernames Telisa Burt 202-205-9515 Usernames Not sure what the question is asking