CCP4 Molecular Graphics (CCP4MG)
What is CCP4MG ? Software developed by Liz Potterton and Stuart Mc Nicholas in the university of York to create publishing quality images and animation for articles, reports or presentations.
How to use CCP4MG? CCP4MG is separated in two windows: The Display Table The Graphics Window
Atomic Coordinates (PDB/mmCIF) Opening the coordinates file:
The Display Table Each molecule or display object can be modify independently from the others. Each molecule file will appear as a 3 columns object Molecule “Object (a model object on this image)”
Atom Selection
Atom Selection
Colour Scheme
Display Style
The Objects
Temperature Spheroids Annotations Temperature Spheroids Close Contacts Hydrogen Bonds
Electron density maps (MTZ/MAP)
Crystals Display Options
Maps Display Options
Now let’s have some fun !
Superpose Proteins
Let’s have some more fun!!
Let’s have some more fun!!
Other interesting things File -> Output screen Image Tools -> “Global controls” Monomer definition Preferences Applications -> Geometry Model object -> add legend View -> stereo show axes Transparency (!!)
What you see is not always as good as what you get! There are various options in CCP4MG that let you tune the performance of the display in order for interaction to be as fast as possible. This does not affect the results of pictures !!
What is COOT ? Coot is for model building, model completion and validation. Coot displays maps and models and allows model manipulations such as idealization, real space refinement, manual rotation/translation, rigid-body fitting, ligand search, solvation, mutations, rotamers, Ramachandran plots... Coot is developed by Paul Emsley and Kevin Cowtan from the university of York.
How to use COOT?
The “File” Menu
The “Calculate” Menu
The “Calculate” Menu
The “Calculate” Menu
The display manager
The “Validation” Menu
The “Validation” Menu
Thank you for your attention Any