AIMS Avoid future wars, substituting the rule of law for the rule of war. Maintain peace and security and to deal with aggression, develop friendly relations Members promise to settle their disputes peacefully. Offending states could be expelled from the organisation.
THE BODY General Assembly Main forum of debate; each may have up to 5 delegates, but only 1 vote. minor matters may be decided by simple majority Important decisions require 2/3 of the majority’s votes meets annually and chooses the states required for the non-permanent seats of the security council.
SIGNIFICANCE Allows decisions to be made by member states effectively.
THE BODY Security council (executive council/cabinet) for more immediate practical importance than the assembly 5 big powers and 10 temporary memberships 5 big powers possessed a power of veto. Absence or abstaining from voting does not count as a veto. no nation, especially no major nations can be compelled by a committee vote to act against what it believes to be its national interest.
SIGNIFICANCE Allows fair and equal final decision to be made by member states
THE BODY Secretariat Civil service of UN. At the head of the secretariat is the secretary general, who is recommended to the general assembly by the security council. appointed by majority vote.
SIGNIFICANCE Pivot for the entire united nations.
THE BODY Trusteeship Council Inherited the work of league’s mandates commission. undertake to promote economic, social and educational advance and to prepare the trust territories for self-government.
THE BODY Court of international justice 15 judges representing the world’s different legal systems gives decisions where the parties request it, but has no means of enforcing its judgments.
SIGNIFICANCE Allows justice to be served with accordance to the laws of the 15 states, therefore fairly.
THE BODY Social and Economic Council Food and agricultural organisations (1945) United Nations educational, scientific and cultural (1946) World health Org. (1948) United Nations Children’s fund The United Nations relief and rehabilitation agency
SIGNIFICANCE Different organisations to tackle different world issues
THE END By: Harish Jon Chin Kang