At what age... There are many topics that we don’t want young children to know about and there are many thing we don’t want them to be doing. What things do we not want young people to know about? What things do we not want young people to do? Think about ideas such as: death, drugs, how babies are made, war, bad things/people in the world, violence, etc...
At what age... AgeCan Know AboutCan Do (if applicable)
Changing Gears! We’ll come back to that but we’re going to take a break to talk about World War I
What started it? First, before anything ever happened, most of the major powers of the world were trying to expand. Because of this they had lots of smaller countries that they vowed to “protect” The major powers also signed treaties with each other and promised to defend each other if either one was attacked.
What started it? It worked like a chain: Serbia < Russia < Britain Therefore, Britain was bound to defend Serbia if anything ever happened to Serbia Scenario: Little brother in the lunch room. Hint: something happened to Serbia
The War Effort – Propaganda
“We teach you to run!”
Big Questions: What is the goal of these posters? Do these posters work? Do we see things like this today?
War Recruiting Today:
Now To Our Focus: 3.01 Examine controversial issues by: sharing and evaluating initial personal response. researching and summarizing printed data. compiling personal responses and researched data to organize the argument. presenting data in such forms as a graphic, an essay, a speech.
World War I Data Total Cost in US Dollars 22,625,253,000 Total Cost from Allied Nations 125,690,477,000
Total US Deaths 57,476 Durham’s Population approx. 230,000
Average Age of Soldier 25 Although men were recruited as young as 16 Average age in the Vietnam War was 19
Total US Deaths from Suicide 967 The US was only in the war for one year.
Our Current War: Iraqi Freedom Out of 4,059 deaths: 100% under 35 50% under 24
Take a minute to process... Do we see posters or commercials with this information? Why not? What do we learn from this data?
WW I One of the first modern wars Lots of new ways to kill people: machine guns, tanks, gas, bombs, etc.
WW 1 – Trench Warfare The Western Front battles mainly used trench warfare
Author – Erich Maria Remarque
Erich Maria Remarque Originally named Erich Paul Remark German born At 18 he joined the German Army to fight in World War I Was badly injured by shrapnel a year later and spent the rest of the war in a military hospital Wrote All Quiet... ten years later
German Reception of the Novel At first the novel was widely read When the Nazis took power they claimed that the book was anti-German propaganda and had all of Remarque’s books burned Remarque had to flee Germany in order to save his own life His sister stayed and was executed