HyperText Markup Language (HTML)
Introduction to HTML Hyper Text Markup Language HTML Example The structure of an HTML document Agenda
Introduction to HTML The World wide web -The set of computers on internet that supports HTTP Web Server The special software that allows the website management Accepts client request for information Responds to the client request by providing the page with the required information Web Client A special software also known as browser that allows Connecting to the appropriate server Query the server for the information to be read Provide the interface to read the information returned by the server HTTP -The Hypertext Transfer Protocol The language used by the www client(eg. Netscape, Internet Explore, Firefox etc.) to request the documents from the www server(i.e. program running at the websites)
Hyper Text Markup Language Text Mixed with markup tags - Tags enclosed in angled brackets ( Heading ) The language interpreted by the browser Web Pages are also know as the HTML documents What does markup describe -Appearance -Layout -Content
HTML Example WebMail Please enter your user information Username: Password:
The structure of an HTML document DOCTYPE Document Head Document Body Titles and Footers Text Formatting Line Breaks Text Styles
DOCTYPE Doctype declaration is the very first thing in the HTML document before tag. This tag tells the browser which HTML or XHTML specification the document uses example-
Document Head Information placed in this section is essential for the inner working of the document and has nothing to do with the content of the document With the exception of the information placed in the,all other information will not be visible in the tags is not dispalyed in the browser. example First app ….
Document Body The tags used to indicate the start and end of the main body of the textual information …… page default like background color, text color, font size and font weight can be specified as the attribute of the tag
Titles and Footers Title -Describes what page is all about without being too wordy -The text included in the shows up in the title bar of the browser window ….The Message …. Footer -Information commonly placed in the foot of the webpage. Generally hold copyright information, contact details of the creator of the webpage and so on. the text Example This is the title This is the footer
Text Formatting The blank line always separate paragraphs in textual information. The tag that provide this functionality is. Example First app firest paragraph this is tha sample text this is the second paragraph...this is the sample text
Line Breaks Use when the text need to be started from the new line and not from the same line the tag is used. Example First app firest paragraph this is tha sample text this is the second paragraph...this is the sample text
Text Styles Bold Displays the text in the BOLDFACE style. The tag used are …. Italics Displays text in ITALICS. The tags used in this case are ….. Underline Displays the text as underlined. The tags used in this case are … Example First app firest paragraph this is tha sample text this is the second paragraph...this is the sample text third linr...underlined
Lists Types of list -Unordered List -Ordered List Each list item starts with Type -Specifies the type of bullet Type=fillround gives solid round black bullet Type=square gives solid square black bullet Type=“1” will give counting numbers (1,2…) Type=“A” will give uppercase letters (A,B…) Type=“a” will give lowercase letters (a,b….) Type=“I” will give uppercase Roman Numbers (I,II,III….) Type=“I” will give lowercase Roman Numbers (I,II,III….) Start used to alter the numbering sequence.
OL Ordered (Numbered) List & Unordered List Element Example - First Element Second Element Third Element Attributes –type, Start, value List Entries: LI … End Tag Optional Element Example - First Element Second Element Third Element
Definition List Is not list of items List of terms and explanation of terms Example Coffee Black hot drink Milk White cold drink OUTPUT Definition list starts with tag Definition list term starts with tag Definition list definition starts with tag
Displaying Images Images are defined with tag tag is empty src stands for source url points to the location where image is stored alt attributes are used to define alternate text for the image
Table Defined with tag table is divided into rows (with the tag>) and each row is divided into data cells( with tags. Td stands for table data. Example Table Attributes border cellspacing cellpadding etc First row first cell First row second cell Second row first cell Second row second cell
HTML Links Uses (anchor) tag and href attribute to link to the another elements Can point to any resource on the web Example India Development Gateway Target Attribute defines where the link will be opened India Development Gateway “ Here target=“_blank” specifies that document will open in new window
Anchor Tag and name Attribute Name attribute is used to create named anchor used to jump to specific location in the webpage Example go to anchor1
HTML frames Use to display more than one HTML document in the same browser window Uses tag defines how to divide window into frames
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