© 2008 Tata Communications Transformation Services, Ltd. All Rights Reserved. TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Business Transformation Solution for Carriers May 2008
1 TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Introduction to TCTS | Company Background Tata Communication Transformation Services (TCTS) is a 100% subsidiary of Tata Communications Professional Services Company Vendor-neutral Mandated to provide network & carrier outsourcing services to global telecommunications companies Access to Tata Communications / Tata Group telecom companies pool of resources Deriving and leveraging expertise in managing the network operations of Tata Communications / Teleglobe
2 TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Using managed services to grow your service portfolio Components: IP MPLS & Ethernet Services – LAN / WAN / VoIP / Server / Desktop Management Datacenters: Managed Hosting & Security / Back up and recovery Others - Remote access support (as used with IPsec and secure sockets layer) Customer Web portal management Reality: Approximately 40% of US IP MPLS users rely on a managed offering Competition: North American carriers are now offering managed services to their larger customers. SMBs demanding more advanced services, such as VoIP Carriers therefore need to develop automated tools and processes The challenge is to manage this growth…… Beyond bandwidth / voice minutes … emergence of managed services
3 TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Growth in managed services and white labelling in the US IP/VPN market to become no:1 services by 2009 will grow to about 20 Bn by 2011 Voice / Video ERP Mail & Messaging Ethernet access (WAN / Access) will be USD 8 Bn by 2011 Seamless Bandwidth growth Others – USD 3 Bn US Market growing at a CAGR of 4.1% Source: Gartner US: Managed Services market USD Millions US: Other white labelling services
4 TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Outsourcing control of the networks to reduce capex and opex NOC operations - Voice - Data -Transmission Provisioning Order Management Capacity Management Network Design Product Development & testing Models implemented Savings: 40% to 60% savings Productivity benefits: 15% – 20% Infrastructure at low cost locations
5 TRANSFORMATION SERVICES Beyond Arbitrage | To Deliver Transformational Capabilities More Cost-Effective Partnering in Transformation Global delivery model Lift and drop Labor cost savings Labor productivity savings Process improvement Six sigma Value added reporting SLA driven service delivery model Strategic transformation BPR Process & org restructuring Inter & Intra industry best practices Integrate technology capabilities to improve efficiencies Business assurance Operationally Enhanced Differentiated TransformationBusiness Efficiency Products Functions Cost SavingProcesses
TRANSFORMATION SERVICES VS Shridhar Chief Operations Officer Tata Communications Transformation Services