Spices Caravel Prince Henry Bartolomeu Dias Vasco da Gama Line of Demarcation Treaty of Tordesillas Challenger to Portugal
Spices › Most important trade good from the East Italy Profited the most from trade with the East after the Crusades
Motives behind European exploration
Could sail effectively against the wind › Portugal Leader in developing and applying sailing innovations
“The Navigator” › Portuguese leader in overseas exploration Founded a navigation school
Bartolomeu Dias › Captained the first ship to sail around the tip of Africa AKA: Cape of Good Hope
Vasco da Gama › Gained Portugal a sea route between Portugal and India
Both made exploration claims › Line of Demarcation Established a boundary between new land each could claim › Treaty of Tordesillas Purpose Decrease conflict over claiming of new lands
Netherlands(Dutch) › Dominated Indian Ocean trade by 1700
Ming Dynasty Qing Dynasty
Ruled China at the end of the Mongol rule › Hongwu Son of peasants Founded the Ming Dynasty › Yonglo Attempted to expand China’s tribute system Sponsored voyages of exploration
Yonglo › Moved the Chinese capital to Beijing Built the Forbidden City
Zheng He › Led all seven exploration voyages
Foreign trade › Only conducted by the government
Founded in the mid 1600’s by the Manchus Rulers › Kangxi Reduced government spending Lowered taxes Supported intellectuals by offering government positions › Qian-long
Dutch › Accepted Chinese restictions Paid tribute to the emporer Gifts “kowtow” ritual
Manchus › Korea A vassal state
Daimyo Oda Nobunaga Tokugawa Ieyasu Tokugawa Ieyasu cont…. Christian Missionaries Japan
lords in a new kind of Japanese feudalism
rule ended the "warring states" period did not succeed in unifying Japan
1600 › Finally unified Japan Used the "alternate attendance policy" to control the daimyo
Founded the Tokugawa Shogunate › Military government
Successful › Upset Tokugawa Ieyasu Feared religious uprising
Japan remained closed to Europeans for more than 200 years.
China Japan