Christology wk 3. slides


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Presentation transcript:

Christology wk 3


The offices of Christ Jesus, as our ultimate reality, is the ultimate fulfillment of the threefold leadership offices of the Old Testament. Prophet, Priest, King These offices are important to understand because they show us who Christ is and what He has done for us.

Christ as prophet The Old Testament prophets spoke God’s words to His people. Moses was the first major prophet of Israel. –He wrote the 1 st five books of the Bible, The Law. –After Moses there was a succession of prophets who spoke ad wrote God’s words too. Moses predicted that another prophet like him would come. –Deut. 18:15-18 At the same time, Jesus is not just a prophet. He is more than that. –Matt. 17:1-8 –Heb. 1:1-2

Christ as Prophet He is the one about whom the prophecies in the Old Testament were made. –Luke 24:27 He was not merely a messenger of revelation from God, but was Himself the source of revelation from God. –Matt. 5:22 –John 14:6

Christ as priest In the Old Testament, the priests were appointed by God to offer sacrifices, prayers, and praise on behalf of the people. In doing so, the priests made them acceptable to come into God’s presence. Now, Jesus is our High Priest.

Christ as Priest He offered a perfect sacrifice for sin. –More complete than any sacrifice of bulls or lambs. –Heb. 9:26 –The atonement.

The Atonement “The work Christ did in His life and death to earn our salvation.” –Wayne Grudem The cause of the atonement –The Love of God. John 3:16 –The Justice of God. Rom. 3:25 Propitiation: sacrifice that bears God’s wrath

The Atonement The necessity of the atonement. –Because of God’s love and justice, atonement was necessary. –Matt. 26:39 –Luke 24:25-26 The nature of the atonement. –God the Son bore the wrath of God the Father on behalf of our sin. –Heb. 2:17; 1 John 2:2; 4:10 –Matt. 27:46 –God the Son redeemed us; Eph. 1:7 –God the Son took our place; 2 Cor. 5:21

The Atonement The completion of the atonement. –It is finished. John 19:30. –There was no need for further punishment (i.e. send the Son to hell). Luke 23:46. –The Father’s wrath was satisfied. Is. 53:11; Heb. 9: –There is no more condemnation for sinners who place their faith in Christ. Rom. 8:1

Christ as priest He continually brings us near to God. –He has gone into the very presence of God in heaven. Heb. 9:26 –We get to follow Him into God’s presence. Luke 23:45; the veil of the Holy of Holies was torn. Heb. 6:19-20 He as priest continually prays for us. –Heb. 7:25 –Rom. 8:34 –Intercession: to stand as a representative and make specific requests or petitions.

Christ as King In the Old Testament the king had authority to rule over the nation of Israel on behalf of God. Jesus was born to be King of the Jews. –Matt. 2:2 Jesus did not come to be an earthly King. –John 6:15 –John 18:36 Jesus’ kingdom was a heavenly one. –Matt. 4:17, 23 Jesus is King over all nations, all the earth, and the spiritual realm. –Matt. 28:18 –Phil. 2:10 –Rev. 19:16 Jesus’ Kingship over all is ultimately proven through His resurrection and exaltation.

Christ’s Resurrection The nature of Christ’s resurrection. –Not merely coming back from the dead, but a glorified body. 1 Cor. 15:20, 23, –He had a physical body. Luke 24:39; John 21:12-13; Acts 10:41 Both the Father and the Son participated in the resurrection. –The Father: Acts 2:24; Rom. 6:4; 1 Cor. 6:14; Gal. 1:1; Eph. 1:20 –The Son: John 10:17; 11:25

Christ’s Resurrection Christ’s resurrection ensures our regeneration, “new birth.” –1 Pet. 1:3 –Eph. 2:5-6 –Phil. 3:10 Christ’s resurrection ensures that we will receive perfect resurrection bodies as well. –1 Cor. 15:12-58

Christ’s exaltation After the resurrection, Christ ascended to the throne of heaven. –Acts 7:55-56 –Phil. 2:9-11 Christ is ruling over the church. –Eph. 5:23 –Rev. 1:12-16 Christ’s kingship over the earth will be more fully recognized at His return. –Matt. 26:64; 2 Thess. 1:7-10; Rev. 19:11-16 Jesus will be worshipped continually in heaven. –Rev. 5:11-14

Christ’s exaltation Jesus will remain the ultimate revelation of God the Father for all eternity. –Rev. 21:22-23; 22:1, 3-5; 12-13