Local Geography: Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Grade 8 Buffalo Community Middle School Fall 2009
Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present 1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities
The “Big Woods”
Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present 1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone
1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Prairies gone
Land increasingly devoted to residential developments
1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone Prairies gone Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Land increasingly devoted to residential developments
1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone Prairies gone Land increasingly devoted to residential developments Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present 2)Technology (mechanization) has dramatically changed county agriculture
1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone Prairies gone Land increasingly devoted to residential developments 2)Technology (mechanization) has dramatically changed county agriculture Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Less than 10% of residents employed in agriculture
1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone Prairies gone Land increasingly devoted to residential developments 2)Technology (mechanization) has dramatically changed county agriculture Less than 10% of residents employed in agriculture Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Fewer farms than in the past
1)Natural environment drastically altered by human activities “Big Woods” gone Prairies gone Land increasingly devoted to residential developments 2)Technology (mechanization) has dramatically changed county agriculture Less than 10% of residents employed in agriculture Fewer farms than in the past, but farms are larger Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Less land devoted to farming than ever before
3)County’s agricultural products have changed over time Almost no spring wheat is grown Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present
3)County’s agricultural products changed over time Almost no spring wheat is grown Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present While dairy farming is still important it’s less so than in the past Howard Lake has the only creamery left in the county
Farmers have shifted to corn
… and Beef Cattle
3)County’s agricultural products have changed over time Almost no spring wheat is grown While dairy farming is still important it’s less so than in the past Howard Lake has the only creamery left in the county Changes in Wright County 1850 to the Present Most farmers have shifted to corn, soybeans and livestock