N IGERIA S TATISTICAL D EVELOPMENT IN N IGERIA IN THE CONTEXT OF THE G LOBAL S TATISTICAL S YSTEM – A N I NSIGHT By Alain Gaugris, DECDG WORLD BANK National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria
W HY DO WE ALL NEED AND WANT TO STRENGTHEN THE NSS? Vision 20:2020 Transformation agenda Achieve Implement Good statistical information Necessitates The NSS, as it stands, lacks the capacity to meet the challenge, and is not in a position to effectively inform evidence-based policies National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria
W HY DO WE ALL NEED AND WANT TO STRENGTHEN THE NSS? Statistical Capacity Overall Score Nigeria 52 Kenya 67 Ethiopia 77 South Africa 72 Tanzania 48 Ghana 63 Madagascar 57 Cameroon 57 Cote d’Ivoire National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria
W HAT IS THE G LOBAL S TATISTICAL S YSTEM ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria The various organizations that are providers of statistics at both the global, regional and national levels The various mechanisms for binding the contributing organizations a) UNSC (apex organization of the global statistical system); b) Committee for the Co-ordination of Statistical Activities (CCSA) which has been meeting two or three times per year; c) International statistical standards; and d) the principles governing international statistical activities.
W HAT IS THE G LOBAL S TATISTICAL S YSTEM ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Provide an excellent point of reference for how NSS/NSO should operate Adopted by UNSC in 1994 and reaffirmed in 2013 Principle 1: Relevance, impartiality and equal access Principle 2: Professional standards and ethics Principle 3: Accountability and transparency Principle 4: Prevention of misuse
W HAT IS THE G LOBAL S TATISTICAL S YSTEM ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Principle 5: Sources of official statistics Principle 6: Confidentiality Principle 7: Legislation Principle 8: National coordination Principle 9: Use of international standards Principle 10: International cooperation
National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria UN Fundamental Principles of Official Statistics Provide an excellent point of reference for how NSS/NSO should operate Adopted in 1994 Source: 2012 Report of application of UN Principles
W HAT IS THE G LOBAL S TATISTICAL S YSTEM ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria We all know it is not possible to provide high quality, relevant global measurements without strong NSS. For this reason, and in line with Principle 10, the global statistical system has a responsibility to develop national statistical systems especially those from developing countries. How?
H OW TO APPROACH STATISTICAL DEVELOPMENT IN N IGERIA IN THIS CONTEXT ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria Principle 1: Relevance, impartiality and equal access User-producer dialogue Technical independence (capacity building, legal framework…) Dissemination policy and tools Principle 2: Professional standards and ethics Code of conduct Capacity building (training…) Principle 3: Accountability and transparency Strategy and action plan (NSDS, SSMP, CSIP) Release calendar
H OW TO APPROACH STATISTICAL DEVELOPMENT IN N IGERIA IN THIS CONTEXT ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria Principle 4: Prevention of misuse Compendium Metadata User-Producer dialogue (Press conference…) Principle 5: Sources of official statistics Legal framework Coordination Principle 6: Confidentiality Legal framework Dialogue with respondents Code of conduct Capacity building (methodology incl. anonymization…)
Federal levelState level Statistics ActStatistics Edict 19 states only: Abia Anambra Cross River Delta Ekiti Enugu Gombe Imo Kano Kogi Kwara Lagos Niger Ogun Ondo Oyo Rivers Sokoto Zamfara National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria Principle 7: Legislation
NBS NPopCCBNDPRS SBS NPopCNBSDPRS Federal level State level National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria Principle 8: National coordination
Federal levelState level NBSSBS 14 states only: Abia Anambra Cross River Ekiti Enugu Gombe Kwara Lagos Niger Ondo Oyo Plateau Sokoto Zamfara National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria Principle 8: National coordination
H OW TO APPROACH STATISTICAL DEVELOPMENT IN N IGERIA IN THIS CONTEXT ? National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria Principle 9: Use of international standards This will be the focus of the next assistance Principle 10: International cooperation Nigeria Development Partners’ Statistics, M&E Group AfDB, CIDA, DfID, ECOWAS, EU, FAO, ILO, IMF, UNAIDS, UNDP, UNFPA, UNICEF, UNIDO, USAID, WHO, WB US$63m Estimated donors commitments to Nigeria for statistical development in is US$63m 2,7% This is 2,7% of total commitment worldwide Below or above average? 0.9%
T OOLS FREELY AVAILABLE BY GSS DQAG / NQAF GDDS DNSS VSS Handbook of Statistical Organization National Consultative Committee on Statistics, 4-5 December 2013, Yenagoa, Bayelsa, Nigeria