Presented by: Ade Sudirman, Acep Dwi Sloria, Nia Apriani E-learning
What is e-learning? “E-Learning is learning with a computer where you learn in a learning environment, connected with your teacher with a learning environment. Mostly an e- Learning course is a self study course."
The history of e-learning In October 1999, during a CBT Systems seminar in Los Angeles, a strange new word was used for the first time in a professional environment – ‘e-Learning’. Associated with such expressions as 'online learning' or 'virtual learning', this word was meant to qualify "a way to learn based on the use of new technologies allowing access to online, interactive and sometimes personalized training through the Internet or other electronic media (intranet, extranet, interactive TV, CD-Rom, etc.), so as to develop competencies while the process of learning is independent from time and place".
E=learning Definition E-Learning or Electronic Learning Basically it is a learning method that is facilitated and supported via information and communication technology (ICT) Other similar terms to define e-learning : 1. distance Learning 2. Web-Based Training (WBT) 3. Computer-Based Training (CBT) 4. Iinternet-Based Training (IBT)
E-learning Characteristic E-Learning material can be distributed on-line through intranet or internet networks, or distributed off-line through CD/DVD media. Content of the teaching are delivered via the internet, intranet/extra intranetnet, audio/video tape, satellite TV and CD-ROM as well as other multimedia resources.
Other terms related with e-Learning: Distance learning ~ E-Learning enables the students to learn in their own place. Physically, they dont have to go to classroom to attend the lesson. The Instructor can be in faraway place, other city or even other country. ~ Learners can arrange and control their own schedule and the location suitable to them. ~ Interaction can be done on-line or real time and off-line or archieved. ~ This learning process is controlled by “Learning Management System” provided by the universities or certain companies.
Computer-Based Learning ~ CBL refers to the use of computers as a key component of the educational environment. It can be the use of computers in a classroom, or more broadly it means a structured environment in which computers are used for teaching purposes. ~ The activities are done through the computers which connected by intranet or internet netwroks. ~ The number of students who can participate are not limited by the classroom capacity. ~ The teaching material is more standradized compared with conventional class which depends much on the teachers’ condition.
formal vs. Informal Learning 1. Formal It means the learning process which has standard curriculum, syllabus, unit lesson and assesment. It is arranged based on certain schedule which is agreed by the users/learners. This needs high interaction so, it’s usually applied to universities / institutions or big companies. 2. Informal It usually covers more simple interaction such as mailing list, e-newsletter, personal website or organizations which socialize certain services, programs, knowledge or skills to the people. (usually free of charge)
Advantages of e-learning 1. Class can be sceduled based on personal needs 2. It can reduce trasnport cost and also very time efficient. 3. Learners have the options to select the materials that suit their interest and level of knowledge. 4. Learners can study wherever they have access for computer/internet.
Disadvantages of e-learning 1. In e-learning, the role of teacher for real interaction socially in the classroom is significantly reduced and becomes unimportant. 2. Unmotivated learners and those who have poor learning habits may fall behind because of lack of control from instructors 3. Students may feel isolated due to no social interaction
The end Thank you