Tides EW Chapter 4.2 Pages 123-126
Cause of Tides Page 123 What are Tides? Describe the 2 types of Tides. What objects and force cause Tides? Draw a picture of the location of the tidal bulges like the one on Page 123.
Daily Tidal Cycle Page 124 How often do tides occur? What factors affect the height of the tide?
Tidal Cycle 124-125 What is Spring tide? What is Neap tide? Draw a picture of the alignment of the Earth, Moon & Sun to illustrate. What is Neap tide? Draw a picture to illustrate.
Tidal Energy 125-126 Explain how tides can be used to create electricity. Why is this system not always useful? If you were the captain of a ship, why would it be useful to know the time of the tides?