ABSTRACT In this topic, leadership and change in organization is one of most important in organization. It is much more difficult to change culture in organization and to take responsibility. There are many different reasons for accepting and resistance of change and the change process can described as having different stages such as unfreezing, changing and refreezing. Besides that there are many ways to influence culture of an organization. In addition, the top management of the company must develop a clear vision to get a better future in organization.
REFERENCES Michael McGinnis. Changing the past, from /changing_the_past.html. Edgar H Schein. Organizational Culture and Leadership, October 1997, from Hermanto Rohman. Perkembangan Organisasi melalui Diagnosis Budaya Organisasi, 28 November 2010, from administration-community/pengembangan-organisasi- melalui-diagnosis-budaya-organisasi/ The Change Forum, Learning to lead change, from m.
LEADING CHANGE Difficult responsibilities to leader Need effective and creative leaderships Responsible of top management + subordinate
RESISTANCE IN CHANGE Lack Of Trust Economic Threats Belief That The Change Is Not Feasible Belief That Change Is Not Necessary
Continue…. Relative high cost Fear of personal failure – Loss of status and power Threat of values and ideals – Resentment of interference
Change process is a typical pattern of events that occur from the beginning of a change to the end Lewin’s (1951) develop force-field model that change process divided into 3 phase: Unfreezing changing refreezing
Unfreezing– people starting realize that the old way of is not suitable and this occur because of an obvious or result from an effort to describe threats or opportunity. Changing- people look new ways of doing things and select a promising approach. Refreezing- new approach is implemented and established.
Changes achieved by two types of action Increase driving forces toward changes Reduce restraining forces that create resistance to change
STAGES IN REACTION TO CHANGE 4 stages: 1.Denial –the change will be necessary 2.Anger – look for somebody to blame 3.Mourning – stop denying, acknowledge what have been lost and mourn it 4.Adaption – accept the need to change and go on with one life’s
Depend on personal confidence about coping with change successfully This affected by prior experience with change and traits One hypotheses made by Jick 1993 is that experiencing traumatic change will “inoculate” people and leave them better prepare to change.
Prior experiences is where human memory have some memory about the similar incident had happen in past and has a conscious mind to analyze and interpret them. And thus human learn to analyze is changes is good or bad for currant environment or situation. Besides past happen because someone has really experiences it. And thus the human reaction to change is depend on their past experiences.
Types of Organizational Change Attitude- centered Approach Role- centered Approach Technology Strategy- centered Approach Economic Approach Organizational Approach Generic Change Programs
Changing attitude, values with persuasive appeals, training programs, team-building activities, culture change program Assumption : new attitudes and skills Converts change agents themselves, transmit vision
Changing work roles by reorganizing the workflow, redesigning jobs Assumption : work roles require act in different way, change attitudes to be consistent with new behavior New role requirements Reinforced (evaluation & reward system) Effective Behavior
Fail to achieve desired benefits, because without consistent changes in work roles, attitudes, skills Implementin g new information Decision support systems Improve Performance
Competitive strategy that introduction of new products or service, entering new markets, new forms of marketing, modifying relationship with suppliers Success = consistent changes in people, work roles, organization structure, technology
Downsizin g Delayering Reorganizat io n Total Quality Managem ent Reengineeri ng Self- managed Teams OutsourcingPartnering
Actions offer quick relief may make things worse in long run; best solution may offer no immediate benefits. A change in one part of a system often elicits reactions from other parts to maintain system equilibrium. Complex Relations hip Cyclical Causalit y Improve Organizational Diagnosis
INFLUENCING ORGANIZATION CULTURE Change in organization culture as top management direct influence the motivation and behavior of organization members.
NATURE OF ORGANIZATION CULTURE Culture of group or organization learning to responses problem of survival in the external environment and internal integration.
Leadership behavior : communication Program and system : orientation, training Criteria for reward and personal decision Design organization structure and facility Cultural forum: symbolize
CULTURE AND GROWTH IN ORGANIZATION New organization has strong influence on its culture. “ culture influences leaders more than leaders influence culture.” Creating culture in new organization is not easy process to growth. It may involve considerable conflict. Important element Set of beliefs about distinctive competence of the organization that differentiates it from other organization.
7 characteristic of value system that can be done by employees in the organization that can differentiate with other company (Robbins, 2003: 525) : Innovation and risk taking Attention to detail Outcome orientation People orientation Team orientation Aggressiveness Stability
DEVELOPING A VISION People needs to have a vision for better future in organization. Vision can provides: -a sense of continuity for followers. -hope for a better future and the faith that it will be attained someday. A clear vision helps to guide and coordinate the decisions and actions of people working in widely dispersed locations.
CharacteristicS of Vision Simple and idealistic (not complex plan) Values, hopes, and ideals organization members Ideological objectives rather than immediate tangible benefits. Challenging and realistic Address basic assumption Focused enough to guide decisions and actions Simple enough to communicate clearly in 5 minutes or less
ELEMENTS OF VISION ♫ Mission statement – the purpose in terms of the types of activities to be performed for customer ♫ Value statement – key values or ideological themes ♫ Slogans – to summarize and communicate values in simple terms ♫ Strategic objectives – tangible outcomes or result to be achieved, sometimes by a specific deadline ♫ Project objectives – terms of the successful completion of a complex activity