‘Is the EU the World’s major superpower?’ General points: -Plan your essays – always. -Structure carefully -Good use of evidence shown -Not as simple as yes/ no -Don’t ever put ‘I think’ or ‘in my opinion’ in an essay.
Level Structure is poor or absent. Basic ideas; likely to be very unbalanced. Explanations are over simplified and lack clarity. Geographical terminology is rarely used with accuracy. The command word is not necessarily answered. The candidate uses one or two ideas to answer the question. No case studies. Frequent QoWC errors. Level A few ideas are discussed with references to a case study or two. Structure is satisfactory. Explanations are clear, but there are areas of less clarity. Geographical terminology is used with some accuracy. Some QoWC errors. Level The command word is directly answered with a clear explanation. Descriptive language is precise. A range of ideas are discussed with a few case studies to help this. Broadly balanced when required. Structure is good. Rare QoWC errors. Geographical terminology is used with some accuracy Level Explanation is in depth, clear and logical. The command word is adhered to directly allowing balance and analysis. The candidate uses a range of ideas and arguments to answer the question. Geographical terminology is used with accuracy. A range of detailed and contrasting case studies used to directly help make evidenced judgements. Carefully structured to allow a clear answer to flow, referring back to the original question. QoWC errors are very rare. Factor:Level 1Level 2Level 3Level 4 Relevance of answer to question asked Quality of Explanation Range of ideas discussed Balance of essay Detail of case studies used Range of case studies used Key terms used Demonstration of understanding Structure Quality of Written Communication ‘Is the EU the World’s major superpower?’
What’s wrong with the EU? Consumer market of 500 million people Combined 2009 GDP of $16.5 trillion Nuclear power 70,000 EU troops overseas IGO power e.g. UN Security Council, IMF/WB Largest giver of overseas aid. Ideological leadership in terms of social democracy High levels of education and skills World financial markets in London, Frankfurt More large TNCs than any other region What are beneficial factors of the EU in terms of being a superpower?
But there are problems… DemographicsInternal Politics Ageing population Pensions, rising health care costs Bloated social system Concern about immigration ‘Navel gazing’ rather than engaging in global politics and global agendas Maastricht, EU Constitution, Lisbon, EU Council / Commission elections, the Turkey question etc. Lack of a universally agreed ‘big idea’ External projection of hard powerEconomic issues Reluctance to use military power abroad Foreign policy indecision Unilateral polices Debt crisis and cuts EU lacks the USA’s reserve currency status making it more vulnerable to the markets. What are problems when it come to the EU in terms of becoming a superpower?
Homework: How does the EU increasingly exert its influence? (10) How has Russia reacted to this and exerted its own influence? (10)
What impacts and influence do superpowers have? 4.2 What impacts and influence do superpowers have? How can power be maintained? Exert influence/ maintain power Dependency theory International decision making - politics Control of trade – WTO policies Military Media social control over dissent commodity prices Control of world finance – IMF/ world bank Direct colonies Neo- colonialism