3 Leadership Lessons from Edgar A. Poe
In The Raven, the eponymous black bird utters the immortal words, “Nevermore.” Leaders must learn from their failures. It’s difficult to acknowledge when something hasn’t worked and needs to be re- evaluated. Nevermore need not mean failure. Instead, that in our lives and in our teams we can grow best when we learn from a mistake. The Raven
The heart keeps beating under the planks of the wooden floor. What’s the heart of the matter? There are always other tensions under the surface that may need to be addressed in an team before you can move on from your “Nevermore” moment. The Tell-Tale Heart
There is an uninvited guest at the party. There are always dangers lurking just beyond our doorstep. However, sometimes the dangers do come inside. We need to be aware of the hidden dangers that threaten our integrity, our standards, and our stability as individuals and as a team. The Masque of Red Death