Jefferson PK-8 Cluster Community Enrollment Balancing Meeting School Date
Tonight’s meeting Learning: What enrollment challenges are across Jefferson PK-8 cluster schools? What options could be used to balance enrollment at these schools? What is the process for making changes? Sharing: Priorities for (school name) Thoughts on potential options DRAFT2
We ask that you Give others an opportunity to discover what you may already know Keep the focus on kids and learning Use Courageous Conversations protocols DRAFT3
4 Four Agreements: Stay ENGAGED Experience DISCOMFORT Speak your TRUTH Expect/Accept NON-CLOSURE
What is Enrollment balancing? A process of moving students from one school to another in order to address overcrowding or low enrollment. Goal: All schools have appropriate populations sizes and all students have access to a robust academic program DRAFT5
Why is there a need to balance enrollment? PPS District Goal: By the end of elementary, middle and high school, every student by name will meet or exceed academic standards and will be fully prepared to make productive life decisions. DRAFT6
Why is there a need to balance enrollment? By itself, student enrollment does not have a direct impact on academic success Enrollment does affect how efficiently a school operates, and the breadth of program available to students: – Low enrollment limits resources and staffing levels: schools are too small to provide robust academic and support programs without supplemental funding – Large enrollment causes overcrowded buildings and inadequate space for learning and growth These factors are all present in the Jefferson PK-8 Cluster DRAFT8
What is the Jefferson PK-8 Cluster? All schools whose students have a guaranteed assignment to Jefferson Middle College for Advanced Studies Beach PK-8Boise-Eliot/Humboldt PK-8 Chief Joseph K-5Faubion PK-8 King PK-8Ockley Green PK-8 Vernon K-8Woodlawn PK-8 Includes Humboldt and Tubman buildings Other programs/schools may be folded into this process, as well DRAFT9
Brief history of Jefferson PK-8 Cluster enrollment Most schools constructed early in 20 th century and operated as K-8s until 70s-80s – Area served mostly immigrant and African- American families who were excluded from living in other areas – Applegate, Chief Joseph, Humboldt and Meek schools were added to meet Baby Boomer growth in 40s-50s Desegregation plans brought PK programs, middle schools, magnet programs and busing DRAFT10
Brief history of Jefferson PK-8 Cluster enrollment Demographic changes, transfer options since the 1990s resulted in closures, consolidations and grade reconfigurations through the 2000s In 2012: – Enrollment has stabilized, transfers now limited, but growth is slower than in other parts of the district – Budget shortfalls led to immediate closure decisions for Young Women’s Leadership Academy, consolidation of Boise-Eliot and Humboldt schools DRAFT11
Boise-Eliot/Humboldt consolidation Boise-Eliot Humboldt Boise-Eliot/Humboldt PK students 289 K-5 students students 389 total students 1-2 sections per grade 18 PK students 150 K-5 students students 219 total students 1 section per grade 20 PK Students 1 section 399 K-5 students 2-4 sections students 1-2 sections 533 total students 2-4 sections per grade level Enrichments/Supports: Music, PE (.5), Spanish (itin) Asst. Principal, Counselor (.5), Media spec. Enrichments/Supports: Art, Extreme Read, PE, Media spec.5, (.5) Counselor (.5) 1.5 staff funded outside of budget formulas Enrichments/Supports: Music, PE, Art (.5), STEM, Spanish (Itin.) Asst.Principal, Counselor, PBS, Media spec, Lit Instruct, Read Support (.5) 5 enrichments per wk for K-8 Embedded PD for all grade level teams DRAFT12
Enrollment in the Jefferson PK-8 cluster DRAFT13
Enrollment at this school DRAFT14
Enrollment balancing challenge What changes can we make so that all schools in the cluster are at or near enrollment targets within three years? DRAFT15
Enrollment targets Fiscal realities and core program requirements determine target numbers of students – Core program requirements include: Math, science, language arts and social studies Enrichment opportunities that may include art, music, P.E., foreign language, academic support coaches, administrative, counseling and media center staff Student enrollment determines staff allocation Schools with enrollment near targets are more likely to be able to offer a full program DRAFT16
Enrollment targets Below target: A serious concern if too small to offer core program without supplemental funding K-5 Target = 450 students, or 2-3 sections per grade level K-8 Target = 500 students, or 2-3 sections per grade level MS Target = 600 students Above target: A concern only when students exceed building capacity DRAFT17 Targets set for planning purposes and may change each year Schools with enrollment persistently below targets or above capacity are prioritized for enrollment changes
Hold for priority map 1/3 operating outside of target ranges
Recent enrollment changes Significant high school changes in 2010 In enrollment changes were decided for eight schools in Grant, Madison and Lincoln clusters – In late spring, decisions were made for Boise- Eliot/Humboldt and Young Women’s Leadership Academy, as well. This year, priorities are Jefferson PK-8 cluster and two schools in the Cleveland cluster Changes will continue each year until all schools are operating close to enrollment targets DRAFT19
Enrollment balancing options: Boundary change A “neighborhood” school has a geographic area, or boundary, assigned to it. – Children who live in the boundary have a guaranteed right to attend that school The size of a school’s boundary can be made bigger or smaller to draw more or less students to a school – Formula for planning purposes: Neighborhood students x 80% = Enrollment target Policy P guides boundary changes DRAFT20
Enrollment balancing options: Program changes Most schools have some students in their school due to a special program – Focus option, dual language immersion, special education Special programs can be moved in or out of a school to make enrollment bigger or smaller – Special education classroom are for fragile populations: moved only if no other changes are feasible – School Board has directed expansion of dual language immersion programs – Access alternative program needs to be relocated in 2013 District-wide program for highly gifted students in grades 1-8 who have not been successful in other schools Not in the Jefferson cluster now DRAFT21
Enrollment balancing options: PK Program changes Pre-kindergarten classrooms are currently located at five Jefferson PK-8 cluster schools Classrooms could be consolidated onto a single campus – Creates spaces at overcrowded schools – Increases access to student and family supports when co-located with other early education partners – Humboldt building a consideration for a cluster- wide early learning center DRAFT22
Enrollment balancing options: Capacity changes School buildings can be enlarged or remodeled to add classrooms Overcrowded schools can be moved to other buildings with more space PPS has no general funds set aside for capacity changes A facilities bond will be voted on in November – Replace Faubion School, renovate three high schools – Upgrade—but not increase space—50+ schools DRAFT23
Enrollment balancing options: Change transfer options Neighborhood transfer slots have decreased at most schools—but could be reduced further Focus option changes will have an impact on number of transfer students in a school Students who move out of a neighborhood now have the right to stay at their current school – Should this rule change? Superintendent’s Advisory Committee on Enrollment & Transfer provides recommendations about transfer changes DRAFT24
Enrollment balancing options: Consolidate two schools onto one campus Example: Boise-Eliot/Humboldt Two boundary areas are merged together Requires adequate space at one of the buildings DRAFT25
Enrollment balancing options: Change the grade structure of a school Convert a current K-8 school to a K-5 or a 6-8 school Opening a middle school requires grade structure changes at four or more schools – One middle school campus – Three K-5 “feeder” schools Students in both K-8 and MS structures have shown student achievement gains – Size makes a big program difference for 6-8 students DRAFT26
Enrollment balancing options: Open or close a school The most intensive degree of change Considered only as a last resort Neighborhood school opening/closure causes ripple affects at numerous other nearby schools Opening/closing a focus option impacts students from a wider area DRAFT27
What changes are most likely at each school? DRAFT28 Our best thinking right now—not a guarantee In general, the further away a school is from an enrollment target, the better the chance that all options are possible Transfer changes are a real potential everywhere (Insert school specific information as needed)
How will decisions be made? Stakeholder process in October-November – Meetings at each school throughout October – Cross-cluster forum November 13 – Process advice from a group of 30+ community member planning team Staff proposals for comment – Aiming for week of parent-teacher conferences – Timing depends on success of stakeholder process DRAFT29
How will decisions be made? Superintendent recommends a single plan to the School Board in winter School Board makes the final decision Implementation begins in September 2013 – Full impact of change may take several years DRAFT30
Does PPS already have a plan? NO! We are committed to including stakeholder viewpoints into our work Community understanding and support is essential to successful implementation DRAFT31
But I heard a rumor that… A lie is halfway round the world before the truth has got its boots on -Ancient proverb Most rumors are not intentional lies, but they can be damaging Take the time to fact-check a rumor before you choose to pass it on DRAFT32
How can you be involved? Share your ideas and concerns Pass the facts (not the rumors) onto others Stay engaged Help keep teachers and students focused on teaching and learning DRAFT33
It’s your turn Clarifying questions about information presented? Group discussion: – Talk in small groups about what you’ve heard – Respond to four questions – Take notes and plan to report out at the end – Submit your own feedback if you would like DRAFT34
How we will use your feedback Meeting summary posted online – Access through your school webpage or go to and click on enrollment balancing Suggestions and priorities will be added to those we receive from other schools As many community priorities as possible will be incorporated into cluster-wide enrollment scenarios Ideas about teaching, learning and school culture will be shared with school leaders – RA, principal, PTA, site council DRAFT35
Productive feedback… Stays focused on issues that directly affect student learning and safety – Not personal real estate matters Is mindful of the needs of ALL students – We have high expectations for every students – Each student deserve our best effort DRAFT36
Questions for discussion What is working here now that should be preserved? What challenges would you like to see overcome? What enrollment option make the most/least sense for this school? Why What other ideas/questions do you have? DRAFT37
Next steps Events continue at schools across the cluster Look for enrollment balancing scenarios around Thanksgiving (tentative timeline) Thank you for participating! DRAFT38
SCHOOL Community Enrollment Balancing Meeting DATE TIME LOCATION DRAFT39
Enrollment Balancing Meeting Agenda Welcome & Introductions Principal & Antonio Lopez Enrollment Balancing Information Presentation Antonio Lopez, Harriet Adair, Judy Brennan Group Discussion Everyone Next Steps and Closure Principal & Antonio Lopez DRAFT40