Characterization in Literature
QUIZ – you have 5 minutes. Use a blank sheet of paper QUIZ – you have 5 minutes. Use a blank sheet of paper. Don’t forget your name! Chapter 17. Who does Grant meet here? (hint: they exchange names) Chapter 18: What does Jefferson want to talk about when Grant comes to visit him?
WARM UP 1) What is a flat character? 2) What is a round character? 3)What is a dynamic character? 4) What is a static character? Just write 1 complete sentence for each question. *If you have extra time… Who is a flat or round character in our book? Static? Dynamic?
Standard in Focus RL.9–10.3: Analyze how complex characters (for example, those with multiple or conflicting motivations) develop over the course of a grade-appropriate text, interact with other characters, and advance the plot or develop the theme. - We will have a standards test on this next week.
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Definitions Motivation – Why a character does what he or she does. CFU: Why does Ms. Emma want Grant to visit Jefferson in the jail?
Are all characters the same? Some characters are more COLORFUL and COMPLEX than others.
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Characters Protagonist – the main character (the focus of the reader’s attention) Antagonist – a person or force in conflict with the protagonist
FLAT or ROUND A Flat Character is one who has only 1 or 2 character traits These characters have no depth and usually fit a simple role Examples: Bad guy, class clown, cute girl, etc. A Round Character is one who has many character traits His personality has various qualities and is complex, more like a real person Most main characters are round
Who is Flat or Round? Static or Dynamic? CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Who is Flat or Round? Static or Dynamic?
STATIC OR DYNAMIC A Static Character remains the same throughout the story This character undergoes no change in thought or personality when involved in conflict A Dynamic Character undergoes a change as a result of learning from conflict A dynamic character starts the story one way and then will have a revelation that changes his or her views
Are they similar? Flat and Static? Round and Dynamic? Flat and Round-refer to character’s COMPLEXITY Static and Dynamic- refer to the character’s DEVELOPMENT over time
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Definitions Motivation – Why a character does what he or she does. CFU: Why does Ms. Emma plead with Mr. Pichot to allow Grant to see her godson, Jefferson?
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Characterization It is the process by which the writer reveals the personality of a character. Two types – Direct Characterization Indirect Characterization
Direct Characterization CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Direct Characterization Writers/narrators tell us directly what characters are like or what their motives are
Direct Characterization CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Direct Characterization EXAMPLE: “Sam Guidry was a tall man, well over six feet, and he was well tanned. His hair was dark brown, his sideburns and mustache showed some gray. His face was narrow, well-lined, and strong. He usually wore a Stetson hat and cowboy boots. He had probably left the hat in the library or the dining room, but he had the boots on” (47). EXPLANATION: This shows that Sam is a powerful man based on Grant’s description of his stature. Sam’s hat, boots, and mustache suggest that he is a man of the law. Kind of like a cowboy sheriff.
Indirect Characterization CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT Indirect Characterization A character’s actions, interactions, appearance, words, thoughts, and feelings Another character’s thoughts, words, or feelings about the character. Writers show us characters but allow us to decide what characters are like.
Indirect Characterization EXAMPLE: “Can I fix you something?” she asked me when she came back to the kitchen. “No thank you,” I told her. I was hungry. I hadn’t eaten anything but a sandwich since breakfast. But I would not eat at Henri Pichot’s kitchen table. EXPLANATION: This illustrates that Grant is proud and stubborn. Despite waiting for hours for Pichot and the white men to come see him, he refuses food and drink and even stands for hours instead of sitting down. This shows that Grant values his dignity above all else.
CONCEPT DEVELOPMENT CFU: This is a conversation between Grant and his former teacher, Matthew Antoine. Describe each character based on this conversation. Support your answer. “Do you feel superior to me?” I asked him. “Of course,” he said. “Don’t be a damned fool. I am superior to you. I am superior to any man blacker than me.” “Is that why you hate me?” I asked him. “Exactly,” he said. “Because that superior sonofabitch out there said I am you.”
Skill Steps: Character Analysis Paraphrase the quote; make an inference. Explain the character’s motivation/wants. Discuss the character’s influences (who the character is being influenced by or is trying to influence). Describe the type of conflict the character is facing. Write at least three character traits that describe the character.
Paraphrase/ Inference Motivation Influence Conflict Traits When he meets Grant and sees that he wants to truly learn. He begins to hate him. Matthew and Grant are having a conversation about why Matthew stayed in the poor Quarter of Bayonne. He states that he stayed to feel superior to those “blacker” than himself. From this we can infer that Matthew is a racist. Matthew stays to teach because he wants to feel like a “big fish” in a small pool. Furthermore, he realizes that he can’t feel superior in the greater world. His main influence is the larger society and culture. He desires recognition and influence, and can only get it by being “whiter” than his students. Cold, bitter, cynical, pessimistic, mean spirited.
Example Quote
Paraphrase/ Inference Motivation Influence Conflict Traits