Addressing the specific needs of women who inject drugs – a policy paper. Vienna. March 2014
Background Reduce transmission among PWID by 50% by 2014 Engagement with women’s networks for 2 papers on women Policy paper target
Why focus on women? Higher prevalence of negative health outcomes Limited coverage and access to harm reduction More barriers to accessing services Policy-related barriers [
Sexual and reproductive health rights oo
Elements Data paucity on WID and harm reduction coverage Gender mainstreaming in harm reduction
Elements Principles Resource mobilisation Useful tools Prisons
Alternatives to incarceration OO
Comprehensive package components for PWID and additional elements - examples for improving relevance and access for WID (in community and in prison settings)
Concluding recommendations Meaningful involvement of WID 1. Know your epidemic. 2. Mainstreaming interventions for WID across the comprehensive package 3. Capacity strengthening and resourcing 4. Enabling policy environment.