Importance of English in Mexico and other terms. By: Osmaría Legaspy, Edgar Tapíz, Reneé Rincón
C o m u n i c a t i o n Is the process by which people relate to each other, sharing information by speech, signals, writing, or behavior. L a n g u a g e (Lenguaje) Communication of thoughts and feelings through a system of arbitrary signals, such as voice sounds, gestures, or written symbols.
L a n g u a g e (Lengua) A system of signs, symbols and its rules for combining its components, such as words used in communicating T e a c h i n g a language Teaching people to speak and understand a foreign language
L e a r n i n g a language: To facilitate and expand our ability to communicate and relate with others. To analyze and participate in the world we live in. Is the key to explore different cultures. Instrument to improve our ability to reason.
Importance of English in M e x i c o: Geographical location Bussines and marketing Get a better job. To travel Being more competitive Importance of english in the W o r l d Globalization to talk to people around the world To meet the cultures Bussiness and marketing Developing a better understandig of World as a series of interrelated system, Biological, economic, political, social.
Thank you! “American Education in a Global Society”, LEE Gutec, Gerald. “Enseñar lengua”, CASSANI, Daniel. References: