Evaluations Vanessa King Division H Governor, District 71 divisionhblog.wordpress.com
Evaluations benefit speakers: Provide immediate feedback Offer suggestions for improvement Build and maintain self-esteem Why evaluate?
Evaluations benefit evaluators: Listening skills Critical thinking skills Constructing a speech on short notice Why evaluate?
Evaluations benefit the audience: Learn from the speech Learn how to evaluate Why evaluate?
Choose your words carefully Evaluate the speech, not the person Positive reinforcement Helpful direction How to evaluate?
Choosing words… You should… You must… You failed to... Good speakers… Even better if… I think… My reaction was... In my experience… I suggest that…
The evaluator’s mantra… What I saw What I heard What I felt
The Toasted Sandwich How to do it – a suggestion… Commendation Recommendation Big Commendation
Next steps… Vanessa King Division H Governor, District 71 divisionhblog.wordpress.com