CHAPTER 1 PLAN FOR SUCCESS Discovering Your Career Jordan-Whaley
What is Career Development? Is the process through which people come to understand themselves as they relate to the world of work and their role in it.
Career Development Focuses on seeking, obtaining and processing information about self, life style and role options related to work, family and leisure Is the behavior of continuous lifelong processes of developmental experiences
Expectations of high school students about their future: Expect to graduate with a bachelor’s degree (4 or more years of college). A bachelor’s degree is a vital success tool. A large majority expect to earn a PH.D., which requires 8-12 years of full time schooling after high school. (Study: University of Chicago)
Expectations of high school students about their future: One in three intends to have a professional career Nearly 10% plan to be doctors. Few dream about blue collar or service industry jobs. Almost all expect to have a high status job with high pay. (Study: University of Chicago)
The Reality High school students are most likely to select the following careers: 1. Marine Biologist 2. Physical therapist or sports medicine specialist 3. Doctor 4. Lawyer 5. Teacher
PREDICTIONS (Bureaus of Labor Statistics) 10 Fastest Growing Occupations Computer Engineer Computer support Specialist Systems Analyst Database Administrator Desktop Publishing Specialist Paralegal and legal assistant. Personal Care and Home Health Aide Medical Assistant Social & Human Services Assistant Physician Assistant.
Career Development Theory 4 Academic Disciplines Differential Psychology- Work & Occupation Personality – View Individuals as organizers of their own experiences Sociology – Focus on groups & occupational mobility Developmental Psychology – Concerned with the “life course”
P*A*T*H to Success Passion – refers to the strong, positive feelings you experience while enjoying something. Attitude – the way you feel about your passion, a positive attitude helps you believe you can achieve anything Talents – are your natural strengths and abilities Heart – what you think and feel is important to your life choices
“High 5” Principles Change is Constant Learning is Ongoing Focus on the Journey Follow Your Heart Access Your Allies
Why Plan for a PATH to Success? FACTS: 1 out of 5 teenagers drops out of HS Trouble getting even entry level work. 3 out of 10 high school graduates have no further education. In reality, they have only begun to develop the skills employers seek and will have a tough time building a satisfying career.
Why Plan for a PATH to Success? The number one reason that a student drops out of college is a lack of career focus”. Ken Gray 50% of students who go to college never finish. Starting with a career plan could have given them motivation for graduating. College graduates without a career plan Often take positions that are unrelated to their major, giving up some of the advantage their degree could have given their career Ken Gray – author of Getting Real – professor at Penn State - Workforce Education and Development Program
Assignment Networking To begin networking, you need to view your existing network. Family Tree assignment will help you build a network by interviewing your family & friends and friends parents/grandparents. Identify each with their occupation