Evaluation Q5 & 7 5) How did you attract/address your audience? 7) Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have learnt in the progression from it to the full product?
Questions 5 & 7 To answer questions 5 & 7 you need to create two short (2 minute) video commentaries explaining how effective you think your combination of main and ancillary products were. To do this successfully you probably need three types of digital material in your video commentary: Video clips from your film & prelim task Still images from your film & prelim task Video of you talking about what you did to make the products and how effective they are
Q 5 -What you should include In question 5, you need to say what you did to appeal to your target audience. You should aim to say three specific things in this 2 minute commentary Who your target audience were and what you found out about them How you found out this was your target audience How, specifically, in terms of camera, m-e-s, sound, editing and narrative, your film appeals to them
Q7- What you should include For question 7 you need to look back at your preliminary task and say how you have progressed from one project to the other. You should aim to include the following four things in this two minute commentary: What your preliminary task involved How it was different from the experience of making your film opening What skills you learnt across both projects How your work improved between your preliminary task and your final film opening
Hints and Tips Use Premiere or Movie Maker to make your commentary. Your comments can be done either as a piece straight to camera or as an interview with someone else.(Or perhaps even as a subtitles/voiceover combination) Upload your finished commentary to Youtube and embed it on your blog