I’m using Mind Maps to help me organise my thoughts on writing a great story! Mind Maps are diagrams to help us create several ideas linked to one main topic.
Biography Auto Biography Fiction Non - Fiction Writing
Love ( Yuk! )Adventure Scary ‘Horror’ Historical Types Of Story
Characters Protagonist: The Main Character Antagonist: The Villain/Baddie Minor Character
The Plot Introduction (1) Main (2) Conclusion (3)
A plot is a sequence of events that make up a story, I can make them as long and complicated or as short and simple as I like!!!
Date/Time/Era – Past, Present Or Future – time period? Location/Scene – use your five senses: taste, touch, smell, sight & hearing! A Theme perhaps? The Setting of My Story
The Setting Continued Some examples The Hobbit: A hole Underground Harry Potter: Platform 9 and 3/4 Danny the Champion of the World: A caravan in a filling station.
First Person: I, We or My. Third Person: He, She, They or One. Who is the Narrator/Story Teller
Description – A description using adjectives How Shall I start my story Dialogue – A Conversation Action – Straight into the Action
Why ? Who ? Where ? What ? When ? The Five W’s
By walking off into the sunset ? By living happily ever after ? By waking up from a dream or nightmare ? By disappearing into the distance forever ? How Shall I end my Story There could be a sequel or it could be a Trilogy !
The End… Thank you for watching, By Aman Khawaja 5P.