The Ribbon UI and Custom Actions in SharePoint 2010
Geoff Varosky Jornata Managing Consultant, Senior Architect, Senior Developer, Director of Evangelism Co-Founder Boston Area SharePoint Users Group Co-Organizer SharePoint Saturday Boston Blog – – Twitter LinkedIn & Facebook
Introducing the Ribbon UI Demo What are Custom Actions? Demo Resources Q&A
Anything that can be put into an HREF anchor tag or “link” linky linky
Can be bound to… Lists Tasks, Document Libraries, Custom, etc.
Can be bound to… File Types By Extension -.docx,.pl,.foo,.bar
Can be bound to… Content Types Tasks, Documents, Custom All (0x) Programmatic Identifiers Tasks List (107) Content Types (0x)
SharePoint Designer 2010 Build Custom Actions List Item Menu (Context Menu) List View, Edit, Display Forms Visual Studio 2010 Import from WSP file Add functionality Package Deploy
~site Site (Web) ~sitecollection Site Collection {ItemId} GUID representation of the current item {ItemUrl} URL of the current item {ListId} {ListURL} {RecurrenceId}
Id (optional) Specifies a unique identifier for custom action May be a GUID or a unique term Example: DeleteWeb GroupID (optional) Identifies the unique group that this element is contained in Example: SiteTasks
Location (optional) – Specifies the location for this custom action – Example: Microsoft.SharePoint.SiteSettings RegistrationType (optional) – Specifies the list, item content type, file type, or programmatic identifier that this action is associated with – Example: List
RegistrationId (optional) – Specifies the registration attachment for a per-item action – Example (List Identifier – Task List): 107 {$ListId:Lists/Tasks;} ( Title (required) – Specifies the name of your action – Example: DeleteWeb
Description (optional) – Longer description for action which is shown as a tooltip or sub-description (where applicable) for the action – Sequence (optional) – The order in which your action will appear. – If not specified, displayed in the order it is read by SharePoint by Feature and by order in element listing (XML).
{ListId} GUID representation of the list {SiteUrl} References the URL of the SPWeb context the action is called from {RecurrenceId} Unsupported in context menus
MSDN Custom Action Definition Schema CommandUI Defintions, Extensions, Handlers CustomAction, CustomActionGroup, HideCustomAction Default Locations and IDs Eric Kraus Listing all Custom Actions in the Farm with PowerShell
Wictor Wilén Creating Custom Ribbon Extensions Part Part Using JavaScript + Custom Actions to navigate Document Libraries
Meets 2 nd Wednesday/month 6-8PM Microsoft N.E.R.D. (Cambridge) / #BASPUG
Geoff Varosky Jornata Managing Consultant, Senior Architect, Senior Developer, Director of Evangelism Co-Founder Boston Area SharePoint Users Group Co-Organizer SharePoint Saturday Boston Blog – – Twitter LinkedIn & Facebook