The United Nations Predecessor: League of Nations 1919 ICJ, ILO, UNHCR, WHO, UNESCO
Purpose Maintain international peace and security Develop friendly relations between nations Cooperation on international problems Centre for harmonising actions of nations in attaining the goals of the organisation
Principles National sovereignty Sovereign equality of all members Peaceful means Commitment to the UN – assistance
Structure Six principal organs – General Assembly – Security Council – Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC) – Trusteeship Council (no longer in use) – International Court of Justice – Secretariat
General Assembly
Main deliberative body All member nations Simple majority Recommendations on international issues Elect members of the Security Council
Security Council 15 members 5 permanent, right to veto Maintenance of international peace and security States obliged to implement decisions Ceasefire, peacekeeping forces, military observers
Model UN
Model United Nations Simulation of the United Nations General Assembly Committees – Disarmament and International Security – Economic and Financial – Social and Humanitarian – Special Political and Decolonisation Security Council
Goal Be a nation Discuss a given topic Negotiate a solution
Procedure Debates in committees/Security Council – Unmoderated Caucus – Moderated caucus – Formal debate GA plenary session
Rules You must represent your nation Formalities – Dress code – Formal speech
Balloon debate! You are all in a sinking balloon. The only way for some to survive, is to throw someone out. You must argue your case for staying.