I can write at Level 1
I can write at Level 2
I can write at Level 3 AF5 –change the types of sentences I use. 1. I use simple sentences and can begin to add detail to expand my sentence. 2. I can use words like and, but and so in my work. 3. I sometimes get my verbs and tenses correct. AF3 – organise and order my writing. 1.I try to put my work into paragraphs. 2. I usually have a beginning and ending to my work. 3. My writing is ordered and my ideas are linked. AF4 – I can construct and link paragraphs together. 1.I can organise my ideas and I am beginning to use paragraphs. 2. I can make some links between sentences in my paragraphs. 3. Links between my paragraphs are sometimes unexpected. AF6 – write with correct punctuation 1. I usually use full stops, capital letters and question marks. 2. I sometimes use speech marks. 3. I use commas. AF1 – write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts 1.I can choose some good ideas for my writing. 2. I can use describing words in my writing. 3. I can attempt to show how I feel, add humour and make my writing interesting. AF7 – select suitable and effective vocabulary 1.I can use suitable words for my writing. 2.I can use some words for effect. AF8 – use correct spelling 1.I spell some common words correctly. 2. I make some attempt to spell words that I can’t spell. AF2 – make my writing relevant to task, reader and purpose/reason 1.The purpose of my writing is generally clear. 2. I can use features of a text type in my writing. 3. The way I write shows I have understood the writing style.
I can write at Level 4 AF5 –vary the types of sentences I use. 1.I can use sentences of different lengths for effect.. 2. I can use words like if, when, because in my work. 3. I usually get all my verbs and tenses correct and consistent. AF3 – organise and order my writing. 1. I can organise my work into paragraphs. 2.My writing has a clear beginning and conclusion. 3. My writing progresses clearly with linked ideas. AF6 – write with correct punctuation 1. I always use full stops, capital letters and question marks correctly. 2. I can set out speech correctly in my work and use speech marks correctly. 3. I always use commas in lists and sometimes in sentences. AF4 – I can construct and link paragraphs together. 1.My paragraphs usually have one main idea which are explained further in following sentences. 2. I can use a range of connectives (nevertheless, moreover etc) 3. My paragraphs show clear links e.g. firstly, next AF1 – write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts 1. My writing is relevant to the task. 2. Some of my ideas are developed in detail, e.g. descriptions are detailed. 3. My point of view stays the same throughout my work. AF2 – make my writing relevant to task, reader and purpose/reason 1.The reason for my writing is clear. 2. I have included the main features of a text type/genre. 3. I think about the reader when I write. AF7 – select appropriate and effective vocabulary 1.I can carefully use wow words tofit my work and topic. AF8 – use correct spelling 1. I spell most words I use correctly. 2. I can make a good attempt to spell words that I can’t spell.
I can write at Level 5 AF5 –vary the types of sentences I use. 1.I can use a variety of lengths of sentences for good effect. 2. I can use a wide range of connectives like although, meanwhile to show the link between ideas 3. I can change the order of words in sentences to good effect. AF6 – write with correct order of grammar, and punctuation. 1. I use a full range of punctuation including speech. 2. I use grammar and punctuation correctly, including commas to mark clauses. 3. I can sometimes use ambitious structures. AF3 – organise and structure my writing. 1. My writing is structured clearly and organised into paragraphs. 2. I can structure my writing throughout. e.g. closings refer to openings. 3. I can make clear links between my paragraphs. AF4 – I can construct paragraphs and make links between paragraphs. 1. My paragraphs have clear structure and support the main purpose. 2. I can use a range of things to link sections e.g. pronouns, connectives, references back to text. 3. Throughout my writing I can show clear links between paragraphs. AF1 – write imaginative, interesting and thoughtful texts 1. My writing is relevant to the task and my ideas have imaginative detail. 2. My ideas are developed in detail and are appropriate for the task. 3. My point of view stays the same throughout my work with some elaboration. AF2 – make my writing relevant to task, reader and purpose 1.The purpose of my writing is clear throughout my work. 2. I have used the main features of a genre. 3. The way I write is interesting to read. AF7 – select appropriate and effective vocabulary 1. I can carefully choose wow and technical words to suit the topic of my writing. AF8 – use correct spelling 1. I spell 95% of the words I use correctly. 2. I can make a very good attempt to spell words that I’m not sure how to spell.