A set of 26 “I” statements developed by people who use services, carers and citizens supporting organisations to move towards more personalised and community based support Making it Real
Will help to mark progress towards personalised, community–based support Developed by TLAP, led by the Co-Production Advisory Group Making it Real is a “Journey, not just a destination.
Making it Real A voluntary movement for change – not directive but inspirational Co-production – the quality of the conversation is important Acknowledge gaps and find solutions Connections and learning across the UK
What is it not? Performance management – TLAP is part of a voluntary movement for change ADASS, Local Government Group, Department of Health, major provider bodies and the Care Quality Commission support Making it Real We believe councils and organisations providing social care support will want to use Making it Real with local communities to show progress
How will it be used? Member organisations of Think Local, Act Personal will use Making it Real alongside people using social care and carers to check their progress and guide further action to personalise their supports and services We want Making it Real to be available to everyone committed to achieving progress with personalisation Signing up to use the markers and report your progress can demonstrate your commitment and help you take action
Testing and Roll Out 18 Making it Real test sites – across a range of sectors: e.g. Alzheimer's Society Birmingham City Council Action on Hearing Loss Registered Nursing Home Association Stockport Council
Support from the TLAP Partnership Alignment Discussions about how existing frameworks can support delivery of Making it Real Dementia Action Alliance Progress for Providers Events and support materials (being developed) Yorkshire and Humber Regional Programme What Making it Real means for Carers What Making it Real means for Older people Top ten tips for co-production Personal Assistants framework Making it Real sites networking
How to become a Making it Real organisation? Get Ready to make a declaration Use the 26 “I” statements to co-produce three priorities Board Level Declaration Develop and upload action plan Review after 6 months Remember – public / visible commitment
Making it Real in Rotherham RMBC led team of 6 attended regional launch event RMBC signed up to Making it Real on website RMBC to undertake self-assessment over 8 week period RMBC to decide on 3 priorities for improvement and produce action plan How can VCS support this? Organisations/front-line staff can fill in self-assessment forms Publicise and distribute questionnaires to service users/carers including self-funders, those turned down for personal budget Provide case studies/examples to highlight where the system has worked well and not worked so well