Is the pursuit of wealth justifiable?
Implies/assumes that there are concerns about /objections to the subject (pursuit of wealth) both moral and pragmatic reasons need to be considered are the reasons ethical and rational? are the consequences positive? does it bring suffering to individuals and communities does it hinder solutions to problems/hinder progress in society does it in fact lead to other social and political problems?
Is the pursuit of wealth justifiable? TS1 (-): The drive to accumulate money and material possessions in excess of one’s needs has led to the exploitation of others as a means of achieving that goal. Capitalism is currently the economic system upon which the world operates and has caused extreme inequality of wealth. TS2 (-): Pursuing wealth is usually frowned upon as a motivating factor in the field of public service and politics. It is generally seen as a selfish desire that goes against the principles of public service and governance, which is to serve the needs of citizens. TS3 (+): However pursuing wealth ensures that individuals have an improved quality of life, which ranges from having basic necessities to improved standards of hygiene and health, as well as access to education, housing and transportation. TS4 (+): Countries that have pursued wealth in the past now have the means to ensure environmental sustainability, something which poorer countries find extremely hard to achieve because of limited funds to invest in advanced technology. TS5 (+): On a global level, wealth creation, understood as economic growth that benefits most of society, is an effective way to not only alleviate but also to solve global poverty and hunger, which has caused misery and death on a large scale. Stand: The pursuit of wealth is largely justifiable because it leads to many positive outcomes.