Chem Catalyst aka Do Now: Chem HW: Notebook and glue sticks TABLE OF CONTENTS: Find your name, sit there, using the colored sheet you will: 1) rewrite the learning goal in your own words! You must remember this throughout each day. 2) Where it says catalyst answer the following question (don’t write the question): What was one highlight of your summer break? Unit 0: Intro to Chemistry PgLeftRight
On the back of your notecard, write 1.A parent’s phone number and parent name. 2.Your address (gmail, preferably) When done pass to the front, people in the front pass to the person to your right.
Do NOT write on the syllabus, you’ll be returning this.
To Do, Quickly! Syllabus Scavenger Hunt #1-7 Stand Up If Teacher will perform Dollar on Fire Demo Complete “About Me” Puffy Car Activity Methane Bubble Demo Reflection Syllabus Scavenger Hunt #1-7 Stand Up If Teacher will perform Dollar on Fire Demo Complete “About Me” Puffy Car Activity Methane Bubble Demo Reflection There will always be a high sense of urgency in my class!
Step up if you have more than 3 siblings
Step up if you arrive to school sleep deprived because you snapchat, facebook, instagram or use social media more than you should
Step up if you play more than 2 hrs of video games a day or watch too much TV
Step up if your nationality is from Guatemala
Step up if you stalked your chem teacher on facebook or instagram
Step up if you have a dream school
Step up if you absolutely liked Orange is the New Black
Step up if you can do something weird
Step up if you want to pursue a career in science, technology, engineering or math.
Step up if you are an aspiring actor/artist/writer or other creative type
Step up if you are an athlete
Step up if you play an instrument
Step up if you did something you’ve never done before this summer
Step up if you don’t know how to swim
Dollar on Fire Fuel + Oxygen yields heat Why did the dollar not burn? What does density have to do with this?
Engineering a Vehicle You have 40 minutes to construct a vehicle that can travel 6 feet without touching it. You can only use the materials given to you You don’t have to use all the materials Engineering – making something both efficiently and cost-effective.
Prompt #1