Gerhard Eitel Chair EUROCITIES WG Homelessness /Vienna Social Fund Developing future research on cities and social cohesion - A EUROCITIES perspective.


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Presentation transcript:

Gerhard Eitel Chair EUROCITIES WG Homelessness /Vienna Social Fund Developing future research on cities and social cohesion - A EUROCITIES perspective

EUROCITIES the network of major European cities founded in large cities in over 30 European countries Platform to share knowledge and ideas and develop innovative solutions Dialogue with the European Institutions 6 thematic Forums, 37 Working Groups, projects, activities and events “Inclusive Cities for Europe” programme to improve the involvement of cities in the EU Social Inclusion process

Locally grounded knowledge production Forums and Working Groups - Exchange between practitioners (social workers, planners...) - Political leadership - Cooperation with research ad hoc or via projects

Political dialogue EU institutions etc. Mutual learning through projects and study-exercises (i.e. CONNECTIONS project) Working group Homelessness Brussels Office Transnational learning at EUROCITIES

Critical comments on research – praxis interaction Different expectations Different methods Different languages

current examples of practical cooperation Working group on homelessness: Barcelona Bergen Malmö Munich Newcastle Olso Riga Rotterdam Stockholm Utrecht Vienna Warsaw Connections project: Budapest Leeds Malmö Munich Newcastle Olso Rotterdam Vienna

EUROCITIES and Social Polis Contribution of EUROCITIES so far: –Disseminate information in the network Expectation/ demands from Social Polis: –Adequate involvement of practitioners’ perspective in research design Participation of practitioners (NGOs and public) in research (Peer reviews etc) Discussion and validation of research findings with practitioners and policy-makers

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