ASSIGNMENTS Formerly Known as Lesson Planner The Assignments tool is used for creating and managing assignments as well as setting up grade calculations.
Edit Teacher Preferences Change to 9 weeks Check all to assign preferences for multiple sections
Edit Grade Calc Options These options apply calculation options to all standards/grading tasks in this section (subject). These options apply calculation options to individual standards/grading tasks in this section (subject).
Grade Calculation Options ~ If a Grading Scale is not set, Grade Book will not display the points earned by a student or the resulting grade (the yellow area for in Progress Grade). Usually, GRADE SCALE 1.
Weight Categories Vs. Using each score % value A student receives 20/20 on one assignment and 50/100 on another. The normal Campus grade calculation will be 58.3% (70/120). If “Use Score’s % Value” is used, the same student with the same scores will have a 75% [(100% +50%)/2].
Edit Categories (formerly known as Groups) Create Categories for multiple sections. Examples: Tests Homework Projects Bell Ringer Leave as 0 if not weighted Notice!!! Ele, MS – select 9 Week HS – select Final
First – Add a Category ELE, MS – 9 wks. HS - Final
Create Assignments Assignments are a subgroup of Categories. E.g., Noun Test, Persuasive Letter, Graphing Project You can also access and create assignments in Gradebook
Assignments –Save and Score