Locke states the existence of a “Natural Law" that transcends any man-made law. Simply put all citizens have a right to "life, liberty and property." Furthermore Locke states that a legitimate government can only obtain its legitimacy from the consent of those whom it governs. Consent is necessary because for any government to exist individuals must voluntarily surrender some of the freedom they would possess if they existed in "a state of nature." Theoretically this "consent of the governed" should mean that all citizens agree with the actions of the government at all times. Locke, as a pragmatic matter, realized that this is impossible in any society of size so he relied on the idea of a “General Will“ as expressed by the majority. Likewise government is also a contract between the government and its citizens. Citizens will surrender some liberty to create a government that allows them to prosper. The clear implication is that citizens have the right to abolish governments that do not benefit their citizens.
There are Four different factors that can all be used together to classify governments. ◦ Economic System ◦ How authority is exercised ◦ Where authority comes from ◦ Does it have boundaries or not?
Capitalism (Russia)-In a capitalist or free-market economy, people own their own businesses and property and must buy services for private use, such as healthcare. Socialism (Norway)-Socialist governments own many of the larger industries and provide education, health and welfare services while allowing citizens some economic choices Communism (Cuba)- In a communist country, the government owns all businesses and farms and provides its people's healthcare, education and welfare.
Dictatorship-Rule by a single leader who has not been elected and may use force to keep control. Totalitarian- The government’s authority controls every aspect of people’s lives Theocracy-A form of government where the rulers claim to be ruling on behalf of a set of religious ideas, or as direct agents of a deity. Monarchy-A monarchy has a king or queen, who sometimes has absolute power. Power is passed along through the family Parliamentary-A parliamentary system is led by representatives of the people. Each is chosen as a member of a political party and remains in power as long as his/her party does Republic-A republic is led by representatives of the voters. Each is individually chosen for a set period of time. Anarchy-Anarchy is a situation where there is no government.
Revolutionary- occurs after the old regime has been ousted from power Oligarchy- a small elite choose who governs Democracy- the people choose who governs Plutocracy- The wealthy choose who governs
Limited government- The government has written or unwritten boundaries to the government’s power. I.e.-bill of rights Unlimited government- The government has no boundaries to its power
What are we? We are a constitutionally limited representative democracy (republic) which practices federalism. What is federalism? ◦ Federalism is the sharing of power between the national government and smaller local governments (states)
Period 1 Kingdom-Monarchy ◦ Rome started out as a Monarchy and was founded in 753 BC ◦ Traditionally, there were seven kings of Rome. Romulus Tullus Hostilius Numa Pompilius Ancus Marcius Tarquinius Priscus Servius Tullius Tarquinius Superbus
Period 2 = 508 BC – 27 BC Rome was ruled by elected officials including 2 consuls (like presidents) In times of a crisis, they would elect a dictator to control the government ◦ Ex: Cincinnatus Cincinnatus was regarded by the Romans as one of the heroes of early Rome and as a model of Roman virtue and simplicity. A persistent opponent of the plebeians, he was forced to live in humble circumstances, working on his own small farm, until he was called to serve Rome as dictator, an office which he immediately resigned after completing his task of defeating the Aequians. His immediate resignation of his absolute authority with the end of the crisis has often been cited as an example of good leadership, service to the public good, civic virtue, and modesty. What’s that?
Period 3= 27BC – 432AD Roman Empire ◦ When Rome becomes larger they realize that authority must be more supreme and unquestioned in order to quell rebellions and extend Rome’s powers to the end of the empires borders.
Why? Can you point to any good examples in real life where this type of government is working well?