constructions An angle of 90° at a given point on a line A powerpoint presentation by Carmelo Ellul Head of Department (Mathematics)
constructions Task: Task: C is a point on line AB. Centre O, radius OC, draw an arc to cut AB again at D. Join DO and produce it to meet the circle at E. Mark any point O outside AB. Join CE. ECB is 90°. EC is the perpendicular to AB. Task: Task: C is a point on line AB. Using ruler and compasses construct an angle of 90° at C. Construction: An angle of 90° at a given point on a line C AB D O E Conclusion:
constructions Conclusion: ECB is 90°. EC is the perpendicular to AB. Task: Task: C is a point on line AB. Using ruler and compasses construct an angle of 90° at C.Task: An angle of 90° at a given point on a line C AB D Task: Task: C is a point on line AB. O E RESTART END SHOW